A Conversation for Limericks

New game anyone?

Post 1501

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest

With that and the tights,

*Come on let's go for the busiest forum about*

New game anyone?

Post 1502

Steviebab (Squad No. 8)

my thighs are alight

New game anyone?

Post 1503

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

and purple highlights

New game anyone?

Post 1504

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

New game anyone?

Post 1505

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest

And my a**e's being looked at by men.


A Prince of the Realm, one day,

New game anyone?

Post 1506

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

I'll sit in the loo, pull the Chain?


Naughty old smiley - pirate Captain Pugwash

(sorry Peet - 9 sylsss)

New game anyone?

Post 1507

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

And a bishop were kneeling to pray

New game anyone?

Post 1508

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

They pleased with Dog

New game anyone?

Post 1509

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

sorry -
They pleaDed with Dog

New game anyone?

Post 1510

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest

And sacrificed a Frog,

New game anyone?

Post 1511

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

afore a dalliance in t'hay!


Twenty Nine Nasterciums were planted

New game anyone?

Post 1512

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

In ground that was strangely enchanted

New game anyone?

Post 1513

Rama - now floating around the world on Her Majesty's Finest

They grew and they grew,

*feeling rough smiley - ill*

New game anyone?

Post 1514

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

And they flowered all blue

(why what's up?)

New game anyone?

Post 1515

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

In a plot in Peru

New game anyone?

Post 1516

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

While a witch danced around them and chanted.


A builder with time on his hands

New game anyone?

Post 1517

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

While a witch danced around them and chanted.


A builder with time on his hands

New game anyone?

Post 1518

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

While a witch danced around them and chanted.


A builder with time on his hands

New game anyone?

Post 1519

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

New game anyone?

Post 1520

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Built a very fine green Band Stand

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