I'm not sleeping, I'm just resting my eyes
What am I doing here?
I'm h2g2ing when I should be working! If I'm not at work I will be at home doing nothing, unless I am playing football somewhere. I'm not lazy, I'm just differently motivated. I like sleeping, drinking, eating, reading and playing the guitar. As I work with computers all day long I'm not very often to be found online in the evenings or at weekends, much more likely to be sleeping, drinking or playing football.
I am:
The possessor of Jerry Murphy's1 Left Boot
The Keeper of Unregarded Emotions
A MuG, a member of the h2g2 Musicians Guild
Where to find me:
The Footy Quiz and Trivia Zone run by the excellent Mickey Thomas' Right Foot
The Virtual Supporters Club founded by Ormondroyd, a beer-and-curry based lifeform
The h2g2 Fantasy Football League administered by Gedge
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
fantasy football world cup | May 13, 2002 |
Fantasy football season 2 | Feb 26, 2002 |
Missing researcher | Feb 1, 2002 |
Fantasy Football | Sep 10, 2001 |
Godalming, Surrey | Jun 4, 2001 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
mad footy | No Posting | Mar 17, 2004 |
c'mon then... | No Posting | Oct 9, 2003 |
A question to while away the hours ... | No Posting | Oct 1, 2003 |
Scarves | No Posting | Oct 16, 2002 |
Question 95 | No Posting | Oct 14, 2002 |
Steviebab (Squad No. 8)
Researcher U174327
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