h2g2 Fantasy Football League

16 Conversations

A Football with Strikers

If you want to play just let me know below.


h2g2 Premier League - End of Season

Otto Fisch446520
Ormondroyd 415520
Future World Dictator 353517
Grey Desk333318
Mickey Thomas' Right Foot 24226
Uncle Zarniwoop17101
Demon Drawer14002

H2G2 League Game Format.

The format will be predicting the weekend results of a selection of fixtures.
I will post five fixtures on a Monday that will be played over the following weekend and the players would have to correctly predict the scores.

Three points will be given for a correct scoreline and 1 point for correctly selecting the winner or a draw. In case I’ve confused, if England Vs Albania was one of the games and I had predicted a 4-0 win for England, I would get 1 point for predicting a win. If anybody had said 2-0 to England then they would have got 3 points. There will also be two bonus points per game to predict the name of the first scorer in each match, ie Michael Owen in my example.

For non submission in any one week, points will be given based on the lower of the following; either all predicted scores are deemed to be 0-0, or if that points total is higher than any persons predicted results than the points given will be at that level. For new players entering the game mid season, the cumulative points based on this system will be allocated to them.

I will run this game for 10 weeks to determine to H2G2 Champion and if we have enough people perhaps we could introduce a promotion and relegation system.

Useful links

Official Bundesliga Site

Ormy's Virtual Supporters' club

The Association of Football Statisticians website

BBC World Cup pages

UEFA World Cup pages

Football Italia

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