This is the Message Centre for Steviebab (Squad No. 8)
Godalming, Surrey
Jenvvv Started conversation May 31, 2001
So, you've got piqued my curiosity !!!
So why might you write a guide entry on Godalming?
Jenvvv (who might admit to having lived in Surrey once upon a time )
Godalming, Surrey
Steviebab (Squad No. 8) Posted Jun 1, 2001
So you might have once lived in Surrey? Did you have to leave in a hurry? I may or may not have lived in or near Godalming for the last year, so I thought it would be a good idea to write an entry about a subject I know a little about (as compared to most other subjects in the world where everyone elso knows more than I do).
It will probably include a little history, a guide to pubs and restuarants and cool things to do in Godalming Any suggestions are more than welcome. The "might" is because I am very lazy and probably won't ever do more than think about it.
Godalming, Surrey
Jenvvv Posted Jun 3, 2001
Did you previously live in/near Godalming... or are you a "recent import"???
I lived down the road a few miles... ever hear of Chiddingfold
Godalming, Surrey
Steviebab (Squad No. 8) Posted Jun 4, 2001
Apologies for the ambiguous reply - I currenly live in Godalming and have done so for 1.3 years now. My girlfriend (whoops, Fiance) comes from the area. I have indeed heard of Chiddingfold and have even been there once as we have friends who live there. Lovely area it is too!
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Godalming, Surrey
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