Welcome to my space... I think...:-)

Yep, this is my space- all of it...
well maybe not, not that bit over there to the right ==>
and maybe not that bit over there to the left either <==
Then again that bit at the top doesn't look like my style ^^^
So just this bit in the middle is mine...
on loan from Aunty Beeb!
So who am I?
WHAT am I?
Do I do more than ask useless questions?
Are we getting anywhere here?

I have an odd sense of humour- just ask Don Juan! erm
I am a home educating Mum.
I ask lots of dumb questions.
I talk lots without getting anywhere.
I read Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchet, Lilian Jackson Braun, Bill Bryson and anything to do with home education.
I am currently reading Tony Hawks' "Playing the Moldovans at Tennis" having previously read "Round Ireland With a Fridge"
Oh, and I also read Don Juan Illustrated- go visit him and ask for a sample copy http://h2g2.com/h2g2/guide/U157972" >http://h2g2.com/h2g2/guide/U157972 />or his newer page at http://h2g2.com/h2g2/guide/U183021" >http://h2g2.com/h2g2/guide/U183021 />I live Down Under.
I have lived in Surrey
I am married
I do not have four children
I am not an author biggrin

So, what next?!
Oh, and I'm Jenvvv
And I don't have a digital watch, but I do have a towel silly

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Hi Jenvvv Jun 3, 2001


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Researcher U178445


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