The h2g2 Post 15.06.06

4 Conversations

Posted: 15th June 2006



The world still appears to be here...

Before I embark upon the editorial proper, I should like to apologise most abjectly for yet another graphic-less and travelogue-less issue. Shazz informed me that I was entitled to place the blame on the unreliablity of her Internet connection, so I shall. But regardless of whose fault it is, my apologies to the authors and artists — the cartoons and other articles containing graphics will be back next issue with a double dose!

I was ever so slightly surprised that the world didn't in fact end on 06.06.06. Being the rational person that I am I knew that it wasn't particularly likely that the Apocalypse would occur. But it is always somewhat tempting to place one's faith in the slimmest of chances. Isn't that what the religious do all the time?smiley - winkeye

To wax briefly cynical, it might have been a good thing if the world had ended last week. Every day I get new emails from Amnesty International or the Electronic Frontier Foundation or the American Civil Liberties Union, urging me to 'take action' to fight yet another of the world's ills. How can we possibly fix everything? Recent events such as the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of the Iraqi Sunni insurgents, serve to bring home even more the mess that today's world is in.

I feel a bit guilty, therefore, having to admit that while the world may be utterly irredeemable, my life is going pretty well. My school year will be over next week and, while being swamped with various exams (everyone from individual teachers to the school to the school district to the state to the nation has to test our abilities, apparently), I've still found enough time to enjoy myself. So perhaps, on the whole, it is a good thing that the world didn't end last Tuesday. Maybe now we've got the time to try to make it better.


















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