First Solo Entries
Created | Updated Jun 15, 2006
First Solo-Written Edited Entry Roll of Honour
to them all
30th May, 2006 - 09th June, 2006
CyberLama with their entry Manhole Covers - are usually circular in shape, made of iron and found on top of entry points to underground sewerage...
The Mazin' MadFiddler with their entry Broadstairs Pub Crawl, Kent, England - the gentle 2km stroll takes in 16 hostelries, as well as a fair amount of history and architecture...
ultrapete with their entry McLaren Cars, Ltd - McLaren Cars, Ltd was established in March, 1989 by Ron Dennis, Mansour Ojjeh, Creighton Brown, the McLaren Group boardmembers and Gordon...
neongreencat with their entry Liquid Smoke - For thousands of years people have known that the smoke from burning wood can enhance the flavour of food and help to preserve meat. When food is exposed to...
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