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smiley - smooch

THIS WEEK: We celebrate love.smiley - loveblush At length! smiley - bigeyes

They say, 'Love is everywhere!' but a search for 'love' at h2g2 might suggest otherwise. Perhaps this is because Love is traditionally celebrated in poetry and with few exceptions
(only one - a girl called Ben - springs to mind) we are all fairly prosaic here1.

One of the earliest (perhaps stereotypical) 'love poems' in English Lit is Christopher Marlowe's 'The Passionate Shepherd To His Love'. It still inspires romance hundreds of years later.

But even his contemporary, Sir Walter Raleigh was sceptical, and cynical enough to satirise such idealistic notions of romance in a responding parody, 'Her Reply'.

smiley - sheepAnd so this week we discover nothing much has changed in 400 years.

Believe it or not, there are still shepherds and shepherdesses celebrating love in the wild and Corinth swears his story is true. And there are still fuzzy-headed romantic-idealists, happy couples, young love and puppy love and lovers waiting for re-union and a return from the wars. And there are still cynics and realists - but sometimes the distinction is unclear, so
we'll leave it up to you to decide.

Eclogue With Galatea by Corinth

Scouted and edited by ~jwf~

I was surprised to discover that the 'romantic hero' of literature and films, the classic 'Lone Wanderer' type, is really not all that popular as a role model for love. When I recommended this piece to my fellow Aggists they did not think it was suitable as a Valentine.

We're supposed to celebrate love not lust!
I almost got out-voted on this one. smiley - yikes

The legends of Lord Byron, Don Juan and Cassanova have inspired millions of young men to seek their destiny in travel, to sleep out in the rain. Often, they find love, not marriage, just love.
Maybe, like me, some of you will find the embers of old memories stirred to flame by this true story from Corinth.

The Relationship Between Chocolate and Sex: Mystery Unravelled by Mike 'Moryath' Ahlf. Researcher 82704

Scouted by Lucinda and reviewed by Spaceman Spiff

Large gatherings... 200 people in a cinema; 76 of them consuming chocolate and only one couple getting it on big-style in the front row! Or is that the film? I knew I should have brought my glasses! smiley - chocsmiley - choc

I wonder: 'If you had to renounce either chocolate or sex for the remainder of your life, which would you choose to renounce?'

Is It True Love? I Say YES! by Casey-Sweetheart

Scouted by tonsil revenge who says;
'The simple honesty of this piece is fascinating!'

Casey is in love but he is far away. So she waits faithfully and she gets support from the Long Distance Love Club" which she started here at h2g2. And she has found that many others take comfort there. smiley - hugIf your love is far away, check it out.

Valentine's Day (also known as the most depressing day of the year) by Archangel Tweetie (ACE)

Scouted by Lucinda and reviewed by Spaceman Spiff

St. Valentine's day is a time for exchanging whispered mots d'amour, offering tokens of mutual devotion and indulging in the emotional exchange and raw passion of physical love. You think so?
smiley - cross Well think again, coz Archangel Tweetie is here to open your eyes!

What Happens When You Fall In Love by Venus in Fly-Trap

Scouted and reviewed by tonsil revenge

Here is a fun bit of romantic flummery that should sit well with the humbuggers of St. Valentines Give Hallmark's Stock a Boost Day.smiley - biggrin

smiley - cdoubleOne Happy Couple smiley - smooch shares the same page!smiley - cuddle
DD and FC's Collaborative space is the result of an Online Romance Love Over the Internet. DD and FC also share their thoughts on Romance in the Strangest

An Alien's report on Marrying In Las Vegas by Chairman Mei

smiley - aliensmilesmiley - martiansmile

Somehow, in spite of everything, from the tackiness and glitter and the fast food snacking, True Love prevails... or at least the wedding takes place smiley - bigeyes and the Honeymoon happens elsewhere. smiley - ufo

And a special Thanks smiley - cheers to Pegasus for the Robert Heinlein quote:

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

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1Perhaps the AGG/GAG Boys should check out Here then!... ed

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