Valentine's Day (also known as the most depressing day of the year)
Created | Updated Aug 9, 2003
I mean let's face it, Valentines Day is just a shameless attempt by the greetings card businesses to grab some money off the innocents in love but for the rest of us, the day could be (and often is) categorised as a slow, painful descent into the hell that is singledom. And it takes at least 5 days to crawl out of the firey pit into something resembling normality.
All this yucky love stuff is just a way for all the couples to look smug and happy, forcing you further into the pit of despair you've recently begun inhabiting. Valentine's Day should be renamed smug couples day as they reassure you that "Its ok, you'll find someone soon" or "I just know there's someone out there for you" while you're having Ally McBeal type fantasies of machine guns and red hot pokers.
I have actually met some singletons who don't share this view and prefer to look on Valentine's Day as a time of hope and love. I have but one word for them: SUCKERS!
(Apologies to anyone who may have been hurt or offended by the deep aggression hidden in this entry.) :-(