A Conversation for Valentine's Day (also known as the most depressing day of the year)

I could agree more

Post 41

Colin (The Happy Robot)

Well I hope to never have to be a grown up but you have the right idea.

BTW: Why is everyone convinced that they were canonised during my absence?

I could agree more

Post 42

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Cos we were.
We're all Guardian Angels now. Come to http://www.h2g2.com/A300943 for more info...
Right, I'm gonna start planning Anti-Valentine's for real now- figure we can have it on h2g2 to begin with and then spread it to the world...
*insert evil laugh as neccessary*

I could agree more

Post 43

Colin (The Happy Robot)

I'll take a look then.

I could agree more

Post 44

Colin (The Happy Robot)

OK having now read that, (honestly please) how would you react if I told you I was an atheist.

I could agree more

Post 45

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Fine, good. I don't believe in GOD either (just don't let him know that smiley - winkeye)
Actually, I'm kinda between faiths right now so don't worry.

I could agree more

Post 46

Colin (The Happy Robot)

I think going to a C of E Primary school just sucked all religious belief out of me.

I could agree more

Post 47

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

I've never been comfortable with the religious thing. I quit Sunday school and church at a young age and studying RS just confirmed my belief. Organised religion is all wrong for me.

I could agree more

Post 48

Colin (The Happy Robot)

Uh-oh. This is in serious danger of becoming a debate.

I could agree more

Post 49

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Oh Dear Lord NO!
A debate on h2g2? How could we let such a thing happen?! smiley - winkeye

I could agree more

Post 50

Colin (The Happy Robot)

Alright then, I give in. Anyy religious people out there want to speak out for the opposition?

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