The relationship between Chocolate and Sex: Mystery Unravelled

3 Conversations

Many times one sees mention of Chocolate (a delicacy which many on Earth find appealing in taste) with Sex (the reproductive act of humans). This comes along both in the rather tongue-in-cheek claims that "chocolate is better than sex", complete with lists of reasons why, as well as chocolate's being listed in books and other literature as a substance which may enhance sexual performance or arousal. This being said, a few things become readily apparent with some minor research.

First, it is permissible (although depending on the person's viewpoint, "kinky") to involve the consumption of chocolate in the sex act. However, many to most humans would be deeply disgusted with the reverse, a sex act being involved in their chocolate, being true when it were presented in that fashion.

Secondly, there is a much younger demographic associated with chocolate: while humans who have not grown to significant age will have no interest in sex except for use in making strange and tasteless jokes, they will be able to enjoy chocolate without impedance.

Thirdly, it is much more likely to see chocolate at large gatherings of humans than sex, as sex is considered in many parts of earth to be an act done in privacy instead of public. The enjoyment of chocolate can also by this token to be seen as something which can be shared between persons who have no physical attraction to the other.

Fourth, as to chocolate's aphrodisiac qualities: medical journals chronicle the caloric content of sugar, one of the main ingredients in chocolate, as well as the effects of caffiene (contained in certain types of chocolate). They also chronicle the sex act as one of the most intense activities a human can engage in, using many calories. It can be argued that the act of eating chocolate, at the proper time, may give a human more energy to perform in the sex act.

The question of "is chocolate better than sex?", however, should be rephrased. It should instead be, "Given two choices, indulging in chocolate or indulging in sex, which would you choose?" and presented to the appropriate individuals. The following answers were given (in the approximate format: actual wording may vary) by anonymous recipients of said question.

#1 - I'd rather have the chocolate.
#2 - Who am I to have sex with? Let me know and then I can decide.
#3 - I'd rather have the sex.

Given the responses, it can be safely said that chocolate is a less fickle choice than sex: those who chose chocolate did not ask which kind, while those who chose sex were more inclined to inquire as to its nature.

So to answer the question(s) posed: No, sex is not definitively better than chocolate, and likewise is chocolate not definitively better than sex. However, chocolate is something which is more freely enjoyed by a larger part of the populace.

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