h2g2 Post 12.02.04

3 Conversations

Posted: 12th February 2004


It is nearly St Valentine's Day and the Post has gone all mushy.

Yes, we managed to persuade some of our friends to open their hearts and write messages for their loved ones - albeit, in some cases, anonymously.

As the site has been experiencing a few difficulties today and this edition of The Post is extremely late, this is only a very short editorial. We would, however, like to point out the welcome return of Demon Drawer with his 42nd issue of 45 words and the imminent arrival of The Post's newest member - the wonderful Enid the Enigmatic Agony Aunt who has agreed to step in for her late-lamented sister. In the first instance any problems you would like to raise with Enid should be sent care of The Post Office.


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