Escape Pod Dreams - 56

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God-given Rights... And Lefts... The airing of grievances and appendages...

The New New blob

Clothes-Free advocates open mouthed at Janet's half-donkeyed performance, applaud streaker's initiative whole-chestedly!

Normally I avoid topicality like the placque. The reason for this is complicated. I usually have trouble keeping track of what day it is, so what happened yesterday gets mixed up with what happened in the 7th century BC, to the consternation of my bill collectors...

Which is a very strange phrase, as I am the bill collector and they are the bill creators... well, generators.

Did it ever occur to them that they could cut costs and save all their customers money by eliminating the billing department and the attached costs of postage in sending the bills out and the meter readers round? I mean, the tax-write-off alone would allow the people who do the actual work of making sure the giant squirrel makes his cage go round to go on vacation more often rather than having to stick around the office making sure the the billing department doesn't double-bill dead people or miss the fact that a new hospital has installed twice as many mains as they were billed for...

More reasons to be uninhibited in front of millions of drunken louts:

1. 8:57 AM
The love/hate relationship with love/hate relationships.


Father Mulcahey's son: I prefer white wine with gefilte fish

2. 9:57 AM
If it's breathing, is it thinking?

Hand-fitted Brassiere Cobbler: Leather or lace?

3. 10:57 AM
Greec thought and Scottich wariness: The Presbyterian Bicini

Driver without a clue: all four are spares

4. 11:57 AM
It doesn't matter how fast you can go, if you don't have any brakes.
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

12.02.04 Front Page

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