L'hotel Chrome

11 Conversations

You trudge through the dark and foggy streets, a strange compulsion driving you onward. The intense tiredness you feel is distilled thoughout your being, from the dull ache in your legs to the compulsion to close your eyes, and leave them closed. Is there nowhere that the weary traveller may stay and rest?

A chill wind blows in off the sea front as you turn your eyes to the brightly-lit pier. From its ballroom comes sound of revelry, but all you want to do is sleep.

Staring across to your right, you see a beautiful building, decked out in lights and flags; a fairytale creation, rising from the sea front, promising you shelter, food and company ...
at reasonable prices too!
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Sign (and doorman) kindly provided by Asteroid Lil. Many thanks!


L'hotel Chrome has been chosen to host the Celery-Webjello Party! Why not pop over to the page and enjoy the Celery's hospitality?Lintilla has set up a Telegram Office on the first floor. Pop in there if you have any urgent messages to send.


L'hotel Chrome has many fine attractions on offer to make your stay the easiest and nicest possible. Come in and sample them all - you won't be disappointed!Book a room down at the Check-in Desk. There are always vacancies!Relax in our stylish Lounge Bar. Watch the jazz and cabaret acts as you sip a fine beverage prepared for you by our CLI BarBot.Eat a sumptuous meal in the Dining Room. All foods are prepared on-site by our dedicated kitchen staff, and the wines come recommended!We are always looking for staff - apply at The Employment Centre.Something "missing" from your room? Don't worry, our friendly House Detective Afgncaap5, will be happy to recover any stolen property.Of course, you may want to go for a stroll and take the sea air sometime during your stay, so let us point you in the direction of the Pier and Beach.
Of course, we also have direct access to some of H2G2's finest attractions, including -

Those H2G2 AttractionsThe H2G2 PostThe Aroma CafeThe Forum and FirkinThe Beer TentFestival in the ParkThe Municipal Park

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The Staff

Chrome101 Manager
Afgncaap5 House Detective
Kasia Receptionist
Lintilla Telegram Operator

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