This is the Message Centre for PenJen

How's the 'ed?

Post 141


How’s miss behaving?

Sleep well?

So it’s ‘in doctor nation’ day tomorrow then?

PJ getting the feel of it?

Started dusting off an old story for teacher’s assignment - but more of that later.

smiley - smiley

Catch you later.... don't run too fast...


How's the 'ed?

Post 142


Slept like a baby, me did. Easy like Sunday mornings; having had a 'Lie-on-nil Richly'; thanks for asking.

Still have to iron the tights, curl the eyelashes and tweak the toes for tomorrow, (as in later this morning), and praying that it won't be raining again.

So, have ye given any thought as to the possible 'meet' end of Feb? Lyndakb and are are intending to fly, as opposed to swimming, although must make sure that we are welll-fastened.

Jen smiley - angelsmiley - bubbly

How's the 'ed?

Post 143


Time for bed said, zeberrrdeee

Off soon.

Can’t promise a personal appearance in Feb. Depends on lots of things, but there's a chance, and I'd sure like to meet the crowd.

C U tomorrow…


How's the 'ed?

Post 144


Righteo from all toes here.

Have a good day tomorrow - later today - and if I hear of a date etc... will keep ye posted. Would be great to all meet up (meat up) and a bag of chips.


Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - smooch

How's the 'ed?

Post 145



You just got a little one. E-mail that is.

Sorry I havn't time to reply in kind to your long letter. But you know us men, always finishing too soon.

The Plays heading postwards tomorrow. So expect more newscasting over the weekend.

Catch you soon, smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 146


Missed ye here last night but got, Cheers dear.

Only here a mo, will catch ye later. PC is having a make-over, getting a facelift and tuck. Needs it badly, but I'll remain intact.

Good luck with the postman.

Chat later,

Jen smiley - smileysmiley - kisssmiley - run

How's the 'ed?

Post 147


Good Moaning,

How's PJ and why arn't you out digging the garden? smiley - smiley


How's the 'ed?

Post 148


HELLO Sir! smiley - biggrin

First of all I'm sorrt that I haven't got back to you on 'e' - have been all over the place and NOT digging the garden up! smiley - erm

Me lives on a main road and has one weed on my front step - would that count?? smiley - laugh

How was school last night?

Oh, yes.... Meant to ask - are you able for the 'do' in B'ham on the 12th March?

We are trying to get a rough estimate of those who can attend. Hope you can.

Jen smiley - tongueout

How's the 'ed?

Post 149



Isn't it dangerous living on a road?

Surely better to get a house somewhere? Especially for Shorty. smiley - biggrin

Re the 12th, I don’t think I’ll be able to say yes or no until much nearer the time. One or two problems resolve before then.

NP, re “E”, if it raised a smile it’s done its job.

Last night’s lesson was about thriller and horror stories… Quite interesting but I think I prefer comedy. smiley - smiley

Take care, and don’t forget to water the weed.


smiley - tea

How's the 'ed?

Post 150


Haahahahahahahah! You are SOOOOO Funny, Mister! smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

Me lives in a crack in the pavement. Me and the weed. Shorty often likes to mark his territory, more's the pity!

No worries about how late it is before you know if you can make it or not. I'll keep you posted or alternatively, keep your one eye open on the GWMSN. group and the other eye on whatever ye want!

So it wasn't the 'Thrills & Blooms' last night then? Phew! I will be sending ye a wee 'e' later. Gotta go now as a wee 6yr old has just woken up (i'm babysitting) and is looking for his breakfast.

Have a lovely day. Hell, have a lovely w'end!

Chat soon,

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - kisssmiley - run

How's the 'ed?

Post 151


I'ts only me, just popped my head round the door to say hello Mike, Haven't seen you in agessmiley - smooch

smiley - run

How's the 'ed?

Post 152



PJ and Thoth caught in the act. All very innocent, honest…! smiley - blush

Strict PJ sometimes puts me right about my homework for an evening class I'm attending. Last week we all had to get in touch with our feminine side and write a romance. (Don’t tell PJ I said this, but I think she enjoys dishing out the discipline!)

Hope all is well with you.

I've found the GW site on MSN so I guess we’ll all be transferring our allegiance there in the future.

Happy Scribbles, smiley - smiley


How's the 'ed?

Post 153


Good Morning,

You're up late... smiley - smiley

How's PJ today? smiley - teasmiley - cake


How's the 'ed?

Post 154


Ach... sure ye know, same old, same old. Trying to catch up and smoking too much.

And HOW did you know, eh? smiley - laugh

Gawd, I must get some bleeding beauty sleep before the big 'do' in Brummie. Are ye cummie to it, or too soon to tell?

Well, the sun is out which is good as we are going on a March today (33rd Anniversary of Bloody Sunday), so no ned for the wellies and brolly.

'Fraid Shorty will have to remain indoors as he will go for the Rottweilers and Alsations as if they are the same size as him. Anyway, the wee mutt is STILL sleeping and on MY chair too, as it happens.

Must batter on soon. A little 'e' winging itself to you later.

Have a lovely Sunday, Sir.
Do your homework.

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueout


How's the 'ed?

Post 155



How's PJ, behaving? smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 156


I'm behaving nicely, thank ye furry muchly - And Thoth? Say your wings on a prayer, today? smiley - angel

How's the 'ed?

Post 157



Yes, I'm well tks. Ma cooked a beef and three veg for her little boy this eve. So I'm a little heavier today.

Nice tho...

I need a 'shorty' to take me for a walk.

You been upsetting any other comics? smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 158


On reading that, it does sound like you ate 'the little boy' too! smiley - yikes

Mmmn, true thought. I miss my Mum's cooking big-time. Haven't been across the border since New Year. But the fella cooked steak today and it was delicious. I washed up and fed 'Shorty'.

Had a big long walk today and feel quite refreshed and not so guilty for having eaten 2 packets of crisps (Beef Hula Hoops), a snickers, and just now toast and crunchy peanut butter (2 slices), so you should be feeling rather guilty... smiley - winkeye

Well, did ye know yer man in question then?? smiley - laugh
Thank-God there has been no more hiccups since. Was worried there. i do so hope i didn't make the same blunder with others. No, i haven't as checked back on e's sent. You think he's have let it go - eh?

Ach well... free tickets for me and 'Shorty' some day smiley - ok

How's the 'ed?

Post 159



You up late too?

How's the librarian these days? And what you been scribbling?


How's the 'ed?

Post 160


Hi Thoth,

Well, I've just logged on but could do with an early night. Seems with these free days out of the clutch of 'Pervy Pete' as me more busy than ever!

Just scribbled a wee 100 worder, under duress, under pressure and last to submit. It's pretty crap compared to the standard of the rest but at least I gave it a go. No creative words in me except blah, blah, blah and yours sincerely, of late.

Folk will think I have a weird sense of humour (well, sometimes maybe), but it really is a tadpole drop of a story. smiley - laugh

Well, how was the start of the week for you?

BTW, after all this time I still do not know what you do! Undertaker, a chef, a gardener, a chimney sweep, a 'Countdown' contestant, a nude model, an MD, a DR, a PM or a VIP???

Prey tell the paperback chick! smiley - erm

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