This is the Message Centre for PenJen

How's the 'ed?

Post 81


Dear darling Thoth!

I'm afraid I'm being cheeky on other threads. We've been having a party and discussing if we may all meet up sometime next year for an unofficial GW party... Follow me for the craic.

The 'Patio" and 'Pin-Jam...' Thread.

Come on over.....smiley - run

How's the 'ed?

Post 82


Thoth where are you?

Get your arse into gear. We're waiting... smiley - tongueout

How's the 'ed?

Post 83


Three sleepy to cogitate.

And as you know, Thoth not into the demon drink. Well perhaps just a little one. smiley - smiley

Off zzzing

C Ya Later.


How's the 'ed?

Post 84


Ach pet...smiley - wah

Looby and Lynda have written poems for you and all!!!

No worries, sleep well detective!

I just KNOW I'm going to have a sore head and will regret half, if not all, my postings tonight.

Forgive me, for I have sinned... (and had a laugh!)


Jen smiley - kiss

How's the 'ed?

Post 85


Good Moaning,

Still in our PJs are we?

How's you today?

Not at work on Monday, hope PJ isn't suffering post Sunday syndrome!

behaving I hope... smiley - winkeye

C U Later,

How's the 'ed?

Post 86


Hello there.

Thanks for the 'Sunday greetings' yesterday! smiley - winkeye

And no - not in PJ's and yes - booked day off from Pervy Pete.

As for 'behaving' - OF COURSE, you should know that! Haven't had a drop of alco since Friday!

Just doing a clean sweep of catch-up in here to ease the guilt! Have been 'chatting' too much and have fallen way behind the bike shed.

Will send you a wee 'e' later with career update (as in nada at mo!) smiley - laugh

Have a good day, ma dear and don't talk to strangers!

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueout

How's the 'ed?

Post 87



Glad you're here. Just about to e-you.

If you like I can send this weeks hmwk as a word attachment to a mail.

It's a very light hearted piece not too serious.

Anyway... How's PJ... CV sent for the Lib job?


How's the 'ed?

Post 88


Sorry about the delay in replying and have just got e's .
I'm busy hoping from one link to another aboutGW closing down. Can't believ it! Fecking crazy! smiley - grr

Should REALLY be filling in Application, will do so later.

AND will read your play leter and respond, my dear.

Just still in an appalled state of shock. Have you checked out the links and read?

Must go see what's happening... Sorry to appear rude, it's just I love this place and the wonderful folk and really do not want it to see it crumble...

Jen smiley - smoochsmiley - wah

How's the 'ed?

Post 89


Just ready the message.

Stupid eh... Just stupid. smiley - sadface

About the only way these decisions are ever changed is if you go right to the top.

It’s normally a complete waste of time writing to the managers. Since for a manager to change a decision involves a loss of face.

So we have to write to the board of directors and/or MPs who have some influence on the board.

We give it a try.

If not I expect a phoenix will rise somewhere.

Where there's a demand there's someone willing to fill that demand as a rule.


How's the 'ed?

Post 90


Hey, I just like a good auld fight and fist now and again! Fingers are getting pretty sore now; think I'm in about 6 convos. In here for a wee breather and see the Detective! smiley - cheerssmiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

How's the 'ed?

Post 91


Time for a cup of hot cocoa?

Relax and put your feet up. If there're clean I give good foot rubbing...

smiley - winkeye

Muse is taking night off this eve I think
perhaps in protest.

Keep Smiling...

How's the 'ed?

Post 92


Ohhhh... I'd love a wee rest! Phew!

Was working 'til 8pm this eve (since 10am) and have to fill in that applic form. Might just sneak out of here soon, grab a coffee and a biccie, a little music and a sing-song... Catch up on a little reading and THEN return when refreshed, fed, bathed and watered! (About 4am, perhaps?!)

Keep me grounded, Sir, Tá! smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye

Muse needs a wee break too (Up the Protest!!) smiley - grr

Jen smiley - hug

How's the 'ed?

Post 93


Off zzzwards soon.

Don't stay out too late young lady....

Be as good as you can get away with.... smiley - biggrin

Nite nite,

How's the 'ed?

Post 94


Me too - well, off the site that is. Probably will still be awake around four (I come alive then) so might take a tip-toe down the crazy corridor!

Will read you stuff too, promise!

And I am ALWAYS good (or have never been caught! Ha!)

Sleep well,

Jen smiley - kiss

How's the 'ed?

Post 95



In a rush, I thot I saw somewhere that you are having a meeting this eve, ref GW.

If so you might like to look at this document. Especially para 2.2.1.

C U after class.


How's the 'ed?

Post 96


Oh bummocks, forgot to include address of document.

here it is.

It's a pdf document but worth a read. Note para 2.2.1

smiley - smiley

Anywhichways... Hows you? CV posted?


How's the 'ed?

Post 97


Hi Thoth,

Have glanced briefly through the 30 pages - phew!
What does it mean though for us here (I can't figure, brain fried), that para 2.2.1?

Could you repost this thread, be willingto, to the main convo discussing the closure of GW?

How was class tonight, then?
You behave?!

Application & Book reviews STILL to do....AGHhhhhh!

Jen smiley - yikessmiley - sleepysmiley - laugh

How's the 'ed?

Post 98


PJ got E...

Just a little...
Not sure of the best place to post it.
feel free... wheeeeeeee.... to cut and paste where you like...

smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 99


Thanks Thoth, Just got it. Very interesting and informative, fair play to ye! Best place I think for it now would be in this place, as is still active and most who missed it tonight will curry a look at it tomorrow: Or alternatively, here: Which was the first thread set up and has now rested after 32 pages! Phew! This is great, UNCLE Thoth! Cheers, teacher proud!

How's the 'ed?

Post 100


How's J the P?

You get the job?

Xmas shopping done?

smiley - smiley

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