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How's the 'ed?

Post 41


I'll be getting the teeth 'in' on Friday. Do hope they'll be well-cleaned and no gas and air! smiley - winkeye

Will post comment on the 'Sinnoposissis' later if that's OK, Detective Dentist? smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 42


No rush to syn oops...

Hope all is well in PJland.

Off to scribble a word or four.

C U Later.


How's the 'ed?

Post 43


Do five and I'll misbehave! smiley - laugh

Night Detective! smiley - smooch

How's the 'ed?

Post 44


Someone's up early, or is it late to bed?

smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 45


Up late and just about to send you an email and then to work for the 'Awesome Boss'!!

So, catch ye and Madge in the other room!!

Jen smiley - biggrin..............smiley - run

How's the 'ed?

Post 46


Good Morn,

How's PJ today?

don't stay up too late, it's Monday tomorrow.

smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 47


I know, i know DAD!!!

How's you?
Written that 'steamy' biog yet? I don'y want to be late with my homework AGAIN! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

How's the 'ed?

Post 48



Just, and I mean just... 30 seconds ago finished the very first draft of the biog.

I wanted to include that pic with the pussy cat as I know it will entertain teach.

So the story is only 64% true.

I can send it now if you like or you can wait for the polished version later?

smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 49


Oh, you have been busy, Teacher's pet, eh?

And leave the kitten ALONE! I'm warning ye!

If it's OK I'd like the Mr Sheen gleaming one, please!
I'm hoping for little use of the duster! Ha! Nah, only kidding, Sir!

Me is up for a while anyway, so any time is good...

smiley - biggrinsmiley - ale

How's the 'ed?

Post 50


Off zzzwards soon.

Posted a rough version to you.

Don't worry about corrections. Just a quick impression would be welcome.

Hope the weekend goes well for PJ.

smiley - biggrin


How's the 'ed?

Post 51


Yep, I've got and stole a quick peek (What are ye like?!) lol!

It is, though, full of those wee funny things - ‘ and ’!! But I can still gather the gist OK. Actually I've always wanted to know how to do the 'Euro' sign as can't seem to do it right from this keyboard!

Will send you my 'impression' later, promise. You go and dream of working for RSPCA and sleep well. Me still wide awake for aother wee while AND I will brush my teeth and say my prayers before I turn in, NOT! smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

Night, Thoth

Jen smiley - kiss

How's the 'ed?

Post 52


goooooood morn...

What time do you call this young lady?

smiley - biggrin


How's the 'ed?

Post 53


Hi there detective!!!!

Me just in from the pub... Ireland beat Croatia 1:0. I think it was football but I couldn't see the floor-to-ceiling screen from where I was sitting and anyway was too busy chatting. Came home early (work in am) and killing off the toxins before slumber. No better place than in here, eh?

How's me mucker? (Derry lingo for 'friend'?) smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 54



I'm well thanks for asking. Working on next week's homework already.

You know, when I was littler my hamster ate my homework everyweek!

Next week we're s'posed to do a script thingy. There's some very useful templates on this site.

What you be upto... That's legal and you can talk about?

smiley - biggrin


How's the 'ed?

Post 55


Well Bisto-Kid brothy Thothy,

I'm running around like a blue-arse fly in about 2 0r maybe three other convos and i really should be making cocoa and getting the knitting out, but I'm afraid I might stab myself with the needle and the wee head is beginning to throb, and I'm am actually shocked that I'm able to type and with more than 2 fungers and a thumb... and it was a good night, tá for asking and the dog, Shorty, is looking for food and I'm hungry too. Think there's a Pot Noodle in the cupboard. You wouldn't be a dahling and fetch it for me? i've no socks on and it's cold downstairs?

Have I lost it?

Yes, 'fraid so... smiley - ermsmiley - wah

How's the 'ed?

Post 56


Put socks and pull them up.

Don't want PJ getting cold feet do we?!

Potty noodles not good for you.

Why not whip up a quick bowl of homemade soup?

Better for a shorty snack too.

smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 57


For feck's sake what's soup at this time o'night?!
Bring me the damn noodles!

Actually maybe not. Couldn't be bothered waiting the three minutes to stir...

Cold feet - warm heart.
Will not snack on 'Shorty'. Don't like hot dogs.

All your homework done, then?
Does the cat get it?! smiley - laugh

How's the 'ed?

Post 58



Homework done. Halo polished. smiley - smiley

Poor shorty. Just noodles to scrounge.

Go get him a biscuit or six. smiley - hotdogsmiley - dog

Off zzzwards soon.

Don't stay out too late.


How's the 'ed?

Post 59


For once i think I'll obey your orders, Da. Bed it is in twenty. (10 mins to remove myself from here and find door/light switch/feet; 10 more to brush teeth/wash face/climb the stairs).

Dog can have left over crispes I just found and don't like (prawn cocktail flavour and soft)... Looks like he don't like them either. Ach well...

Promise I'll be normal tomorrow and bake a cake.
Night Detective.
Sweet '15-to-1' dreams! smiley - winkeye

Jen smiley - smooch

How's the 'ed?

Post 60



How's PJ?

Hope you've found something for shorty to eat....

smiley - biggrin

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