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How's the 'ed?

Post 61


Hi there mister,

Shorty ate better than mise today as I hadn't much of a stomach except for lots of fluids (non-alcoholic).

Actually, I'm well knacked. Had a bus load of OAP's in Library today learning computers. smiley - erm. God knows why?
Half of them were deaf and the rest were either asleep or couldn't move their fingers. It's been a LOOOOOONG day....
May hit the sack very soooooon...


As for you, all ready for big class later tonight? smiley - yikes
Are you including the 'kitten pic'? DARE YE! smiley - winkeye

How's the 'ed?

Post 62


Yes, will include Cat Pic.

Teach is quite a character.

Michelle Roberts, she wrote something called "Carousel". When the publisher first saw it they said it needed more "Sex Scenes".

So now she gets well and truly teased each week. (We keep asking her for the page numbers, and if she wrote “What She Knew”…

Actually, she’s quite a character.

Next week’s hmwk I think I said is to do part of a script.

Would send it to you, but it’s a little raunchy… not sure if it’s PJ’s cup of noodles. smiley - laugh

C U Later. smiley - biggrin

PS Hope you kept those OAPs from the blue sites. No telling what might have happened…

How's the 'ed?

Post 63


THEN send it to me!!! Feck the noodles, apple struddles are where there at!

As for the OAP's - they were TURNING blue but there were also a few toothy 80 yr olds that kind of freaked me out a little. Bit too smiley for me, if you catch my corner... smiley - ermsmiley - laugh

Looking forward to the script-tease! Will try not to strip it, OK?

Gotta go!

Night Detective!

Jen smiley - kiss

How's the 'ed?

Post 64


Script winging its way.

BTW, Did that comment on formatting e-mails help?

zzz well...


How's the 'ed?

Post 65


I'm afraid I never got around to checking but i will and let you know. (Blame laziness, beer, the dog...)
Have just checked and got the 'true blues'!! Tá!
Will catch a read of it after I've alphabetised the Large Print section at work!

If not chatting before then, have a cool night too and BEHAVE!! smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

How's the 'ed?

Post 66


Good Morn,

PJ alphabetised …. If so, why aren’t you called JP?

Back from Class… Teach loved Marge. She has Legs to look at this week.

PJ scribbling much at the mo?

Thoth… smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 67


Still in a little of chronological chaos, my dear. Better that way.

As for the 'legs to look at' - yours, Marge's or teacher's?? I TOLD you NOT to wear the 'Robin Hood' tights, Thoth!

Have just thrown 2 wee bits in for current challenges, other than that; no. Can't seem to stir or spill a decent thought or word on page. Still have blasted Book Reviews to do for AM and couldn't be bothered. Really shouldn't be running about in here tonight BUT ye know me... smiley - laugh

Have not read the 'Stip-tease' yet but have it printed and ready to read over the w'end with my cocoa and the curlers in the hair. Can't wait! smiley - yikes!

How's the 'ed?

Post 68


Cheeky so-and-so.

Thoth has lovely legs with or without tights.

The Legs bit was the 4 –v- 2 contest. With the Pussy getting it in the end.

ZZZ well, don't over do it, c u tomorrow.

Thoth off to zzz land.


How's the 'ed?

Post 69


You and your 'Merry Men' and 'Maid Madge'!! I can just see it... Thoth Hood in Sherbet Forest, twiddly-dee, twiddley-dum!

So you shot the kitten! How COULD ye! smiley - wah

I'm away in a huff and PROBABLY will forgive you by tomorrow...

Night, murderer.

Jen.............smiley - run

How's the 'ed?

Post 70


Good eve young lady,

You're early... smiley - smiley

How's you today?


How's the 'ed?

Post 71


smiley - star Hi there,

Yep, before midnight too! Have to read and score the '60 Worders' ASAP as most marks are in and I'm brinking on last, as usual! (Plus was out all afternoon and in for the night now and have a few favours to return as spent nearly all of last week chatting!)

You're early too, Mister Detective! smiley - laugh

Good w'end I hope? smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 72



So how's you and what you been up to... (That can be written down and not censored)?

Fed the dog and been for walkies? Started getting ready for Santa’s visit? Or just polishing toenails?

smiley - smiley

smiley - winkeye

How's the 'ed?

Post 73


smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

Well, I went to see Irish comedian, Colin Murphy, on Fri night. It was a scream and even got a pic with him, egged on by the wee sis who was besotted with him and went as fare as buying him a pint earlier and leaving it on the stage, mid-performance, and then returned to her seat, third row from the front. Thank-god she got a round of applause from the audience. I was mortified and couldn't believe she did that!

Went to see the 'Bridget Jones' film earlier and thena a few drinks after. Nice lazy, girly afternoon with friends. Film was one of those 'feel-good' ones, and that Firth boy was easy on the eye too!

As for dog, he spent the night in Donegal and returned knackered this evening and has been sleeping since. use your imagination. (A Jack Russell called 'Sam'). smiley - laugh

Polishing toenails? I haven't got the time! smiley - yikes

How's the 'ed?

Post 74



Oh the shame. Fancy having a sister who would give a pint smiley - ale away... smiley - sadfacesmiley - biggrin

BJ movie looks good. The book was an entertaining but light read.

So now we know... PJ into wet shirts on Darcy types... Shameless that’s what I say!!!!.

Not much news from Thothland. A smattering of keys hit in desperate attempt at starting another... Masterpiece.

Do lady writers write stuff called Mistresspieces?

You tapping the qwerty much?


How's the 'ed?

Post 75


Oh Thoth, you do think you know me?! smiley - winkeye

Actually it was either Grant or Firth, had to chose one dish. I'm more of a 'scruffy, rugged, bad boy' sort-of-girl to be honest! Actually looks aren't really that important, just a smidgen. Requirements - one head, 2 arms, 2 legs, hands, feet etc... and a cook.

As for the book. The first one i thought was just OK and the second just short of that. These were examples were the films were a damn sight better than the printed matter, and I don't often say that.

And I will get the 'homework' done in time this week!! smiley - laugh

I'm actually off work tomorrow. (Going to see a man about another job. Will elaborate more when more info). So will be on here for a wee while and have time tomorrrow eve to catch up.

"Mistresspieces" I like! Must try that someday... and 'qwerty' is at bay for the moment although I have a little thirst on me now and there are some cold beers in the fridge... nah, I'm on the coffeee and cigarettes only tonight, dear.

Soberish-Jen smiley - tongueout

PS: The Sis owes me a couple of smiley - ale as it happens! smiley - laugh

How's the 'ed?

Post 76


So PJ prefers a bit of ruff... ! (Now we get to hear the truth).

Oh well, that's smove debonair Thoth out of the picture. smiley - sadface

Off zzzzzwards in a mo, c u tomorrow.

Good luck with the job hunting, hope it goes well for ya.

NP with hmwk, no rush and no need for detailed critique. If it gives you a little titter or two I’m happy.

Zzzz well. Look sharp for later.

smiley - biggrin

PS, The last thing Thoth cooked was

But I only cook two or three times a year, so I hope you don't eat alot.

It was actually quite good. (Honest).

smiley - cake

How's the 'ed?

Post 77


Ach sure, anything/anyone will do really!! smiley - laugh

As for the 'Stir-fried Chicken with Lime and Coconut', gawd i'd need more that that to fill me up! And it only takes 5mins to make. Mind you a bag o' chips and a greasy burger would suffice!

Think I might nip out of here for a wee while and try and write something new. Haven't been able to lately but have a few ideas stirring the pot brain.

Will have 'HW' read by close tomorrow. PJ looks forward to being amused.

Night boss. Catch ye later.

Jen smiley - smooch

How's the 'ed?

Post 78



You're up late today, I bet Shorty's in shock! Very fetching PJs I must say.

How did the Interview go? Was it all greek for you? smiley - smiley


How's the 'ed?

Post 79


It is a very early morning. Don't know myself in here before noon! smiley - yikes

As for yesterday's plan - it never materialised. But not all bad. Will be arranging something at a later time, I hope.

As for the pup, he's still asleep, lazy bugger.
And how d'you know I was still in my jim-jams, eh??

God, is there NO where to hide!! smiley - laugh

Have work at 1pm, so away to make myself look human for the large print borrowers! Will chat with you later tonight - ie: the 'Script-tease'! smiley - winkeye

Have a good day Sir and stay outta trouble! <smiley - laugh


Lazy-Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - run

How's the 'ed?

Post 80


Hi Missie,

How’s you getting on? All alphabetised?

Hope you remembered to keep books by lady authors a discrete distance from those by male authors!!!

What else you been getting up to of late? smiley - biggrin


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