This is the Message Centre for PenJen

How's the 'ed?

Post 101


Good Moaning,

smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 102


Aha! It is only a strike after Midnight, dear Sir! smiley - fullmoon

And as for the job - well, it was left in too late and they wouldn't accept it. The basturds! It was only 5mins although maybe it just wasn't meant to be. That's what I'm consoling myself with... There'll be other things to turn up, I hope.

As for the other thing, well I'm due to check out with the 'lady's' boss and premises early Tues morn so will keep ye posted.

Anyay, how are you, ma dear?
Having a good w'end?
(I was well out on the tiles last night to early morn, but was off today, Thank-God!) smiley - drunk

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - ale

How's the 'ed?

Post 103


I'm well thanks,

Enjoying a movie which I think PJ would like...


After the disappointing Celebrity, Woody Allen returned to form with this sparkling comedy drama about a fictional 1930s jazzman whose life only makes sense when he's playing guitar. Sean Penn plays Emmet Ray, a kleptomaniac musical genius whose idea of a good time is to watch trains, shoot rats and seduce women. Happiness comes in a sweetly fulfilling relationship with mute innocent Hattie (Samantha Morton), though the feckless Ray is soon up to his old tricks with society gal Blanche (Uma Thurman). A host of jazz experts, including Allen himself, delivers straight-faced tributes to Ray's gift, and the costumes and production design are splendidly opulent. But it's British actress Morton who steals the show, getting her revenge after Penn breaks her heart by silently breaking ours."


Last week at school this week. So no homework.

So a quite week this week...



smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 104


That movie sounds class, haven't sen it but will check out deffo. Fan of all three actor/actresses and LOVE jazz (and Sir Allen!). How did ye know, eh? lol

Ach... The last class on Thurs? You must be disappointed. Are ye going to get the teacher a wee card and flowers or something (maybe a date with her in yer local where you cam write her love lines on beermats over a glass of sherry????) smiley - laugh

Hope to catch up on some of my reading tonight and tomorrow so will let you know my thoughts on your last piece.

Still in a very lazy mode at the mo... beer to my left and knackered from putting up the Christmas tree. Well all i had to do was hang the decorations. M did all the hard work and sorted out the lights (yet another new set agianthis year!).

Jen smiley - tongueoutsmiley - ale

How's the 'ed?

Post 105


Just new PJ was a jazzie lassie.

Off zzzwards now.

Funny thing, we've arranged the final class at a pub!

Well us artee typos need the occasional drinks don't we.

Don't stay out too late.

smiley - smiley

C. U. Later,

How's the 'ed?

Post 106


Okey-dokey. Will turn off the lights when I leave!
Always a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Star Pupil. Will chat to thine arty typo soon!

Sweet (and low eiderdown) dweems!

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - kiss

How's the 'ed?

Post 107



You behaving?

smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 108


FINALLY I arrive!

I've been darting around here like a blue-arse fly smiley - fairy, plus had the wee sis on the phone informing me of all her mad shenanigans this w'end (she went to Dublin), and OF COURSE I'm behaving, aren't I always... smiley - whistle

Go do me a favour and sign dear 'Thoth' for the audio petition or I'll tell Teacher that you'vebeen copying your homework from a guy called Trevor who lives in Fife. I mean it. I will.....

Anyway, you have a good w'end? smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 109


Tis Done.

By the way, how did you know about Trevor?

Who's been talking?

smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 110


Thanks! smiley - kiss

And as for 'Trevor'.... Aha! I'm NOT telling....He! He!

(He sent me the ingredients of a Delia Smith recipe in the post, (ingredients and all), and with a case of that fine syrup that sounded awfullly like the one you once promised me YEAR'S ago... And I just clicked. There and then. After the third bottle of 'Dulcia' I believe? (Name escapes me as incurred blurred vision with the hiccups...smiley - drunk), BUT I KNEW then. So there!

You're off the hook now. So Trevor will have to go hide away and brew more delicious potion. smiley - bubbly

How's the 'ed?

Post 111



How's you today?

Scribbling at the mo?


How's the 'ed?

Post 112


Hi Thoth,

Sorry I missed you, been off the boards for about three days. Really busy - will send you info in email over w'end. smiley - winkeye

So, how was the last night of class? Did you bring the teacher home as home work? Now that would deserve an A smiley - star!

No scribbling from me though... barely (bearly) typing... Have to think of greetings on Christmas cards fiirst...

Catch ye later,

Jen smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 113



Good to see you again.

Had an easy lesson with the stern teach.

Down at the public bar... !

Mostly just chatted about plans for next term's work.

One task next time is to write a book review. So praps I copy PJ's work while she's not looking...

smiley - smiley

Catch you later...


How's the 'ed?

Post 114


I see that you made it home in one piece 'alone' then!! (Maybe teach is out in the kitchen making the coffee???? lol!) smiley - laugh

No really, how do you fel now it's all over? Are you going to continue with it - hope so, as I'm enjoying the experience too, to be honest!

As for the 'Book Reviews' - we'll see mister! You could always start with a kid's picture book - they're the easiest!

Good to hear from ye, Sir!

Jen smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 115


Good Morning,

Thanks for message this after...smiley - smiley

E winging it's way to PJ...

How's you this eve?


How's the 'ed?

Post 116


Hey there Thoth,

Seems I missed ye but did get mail - thanks, cheered me up no end. Me really flat out in real world but hope to catch a silly yarn with you soon, dear sir.

Hope all's well and writing!

Jen smiley - kiss

How's the 'ed?

Post 117


Good Morn young lady,

I'm off zzzwards soon.

'spect you're busy xmasing around, selling books, getting ready for the hols and joining the Libertarian staff in a light sherry (or two!)...smiley - biggrin

Is shorty well, not putting on weight before Christmas is he?

C U Later,

How's the 'ed?

Post 118


smiley - laugh Aha! You're still up and it's nearly 2am!

Good to hear from ye! Well, could nearly say 'yeah' to all of above although haaave yet to buy about all the pressies, write the cards and the library do's (yes two) are Sunday night (the big one) and Tuesday after work (a little light sherry one. Think I'm the only drinker though!).

And Shorty is on a diet. Making room for the mince pies. He love them!

Night, hon. Sleep well and wil catch up later this w'end. Hope all is well and you have the wee slippers on.

Jen smiley - tongueout

How's the 'ed?

Post 119


Good Morning,

How’s PJ? How come you get a day off?! smiley - winkeye

I did pop in to the party, but too late to chat to you… There was a pile of clothes in the corner singing a lullaby to a bottle, was that you?

BTW, I read that PJ is fame mouse… In this month’s newsletter… You still talking to us mere mortals?

Hope you have a wonderful Xmas with no more than three pairs of novelty slippers from Santa. smiley - bubbly


smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 120


Aha!! Was just thinking of ye Mister!!

Will be winging a little email to you before I head off to the Donegal wilderness where snow is expected tomorrow and I will be free of PC's and Pervy Pete's! Will explain all the goss in thee message. Quit the bookshop on Monday past... Ye-Ha!!

And yes - you did stumble in rather late on the night of the party! Tut! Tut! I think I was hanging from a swinging chandaleer (sp?) with all my neccesary bits of clothing still intact. (I think I was wearing shamrocks and black thigh high boots...or so I thought I was... smiley - ermsmiley - laugh There were folk wilder than innocent Jen!)!

This is been a funny week with so much happening and then to secure poster and Ed pick - I'm wondering is this just a little wind-up?! And I could never forget ye mere mortals now, eh?smiley - magic

So dear friend, have a wonderfully wicked Christmas yourself with family and friends (and teach??? smiley - winkeye), and wishing you the best of everything for 2005! I will catch ye early after the New year!

Take care Mike.
Ina grá,

Jen smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - tongueout

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