This is the Message Centre for PenJen

How's the 'ed?

Post 221


You ignoring me...?

smiley - biggrin

How's the 'ed?

Post 222


Hi Sir, Sorry I haven't been in touch - kind of snowed at the mo, but yes, would love your piece. Would it be OK if you could also supply me with your User ID for here and if you wqant your real name displayed too? If you want to read all the latest on what's happening check this thread: As for the mutt - still huffing but that may chage as he's about to get his favourite for tea - a battered sausage from the local chippy. Maybe he'll just bugger off and go to sleep instead of annoying me - God Forbid. (BTW, I'm talking about my 'dog' not the fella. ) Hope all is well with you, Catch ye later, Jen x

How's the 'ed?

Post 223


'Ere it is...

User ID, 2498196

Mike Chanter

A3810755 - Blue Knees


How's the 'ed?

Post 224


Awh... Yes, I've got it (the piece NOT the blue knees - hehe!).

Really beautiful and fitting, (and that's just me, eh?), Nah, really I loved it.
Thanks for that, Mike.

Chat soon,

Jen smiley - kiss

How's the 'ed?

Post 225


Hi, Good After'...

Hope the project is going well.

Don't forget to have break now and then.

Shorty needs it...

smiley - biggrin

C U Later,

How's the 'ed?

Post 226


Awh... aren't you so sweet. Got the flowers too - thank-you my dear. Nicholson would never have a look in. As good as it gets, eh? smiley - laugh

And thd doggy is fine. He got butter melted on toast and cuddle for breakfast. Sleeping now in front window. Dog that is, not me.

Jen smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye

How's the 'ed?

Post 227


Good Moaning,

How's J the P today?

Shampoo ready this eve?

A Toast to GW, and some Toast for Shorty...

smiley - smiley

How's the 'ed?

Post 228


Oh yes - raring to go out with a blast tonight, my dear!

Way-hay. Gonna get the nails done to prettify my typing! Hehehehe!

What about you -
Wearing the tux, Sir?
A little slice of finality, all buttered and ready to 'partay'?

See ye around 10pm. Gotta tend to the Borrowers today.

Jen smiley - divasmiley - winkeyesmiley - run

How's the 'ed?

Post 229


Tux, no....

Let's make it a facny dress do. That way I can wear a fancy dress...

Or prehaps come as I am, in my tarzan outfit...

smiley - biggrinsmiley - erm

Catch you later, have a good one...

smiley - smooch

How's the 'ed?

Post 230


Night night,

See you around. Time for zzzzland.

I'm on the other sites and there's always ezs.

And we'll always have Dulcia. smiley - biggrin

Sleep well and don't stay out too late. smiley - winkeye

Adios for now.

smiley - smooch

How's the 'ed?

Post 231


Awh... Nearly 6 months we've been on this thread bantering and lamenting.

Been my pleasure, dear Thoth.

Catch ye on another moonbeam, sweet sir!

Hasta La Vista, baby!

Jen smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

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