Journal Entries
Back for Christmas
Posted Dec 14, 2002
Staying at my parents house, which has advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, there's free food, sofas, and a regular internet connection, along with music (finally!).. on the down side, I get woken up every morning, and.. well, that's about it, actually.. .. and I'm sure that they'll take the hint if I bar the door shut.
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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2002
Flight of fancy..
Posted Dec 12, 2002
This moment's flight of fancy is sneaking into countries in strife and writing exposés of hitherto unknown human rights violations in the optimistic intention that people'll actually be nice to each other. I can quite imagine myself sneaking over the border of countries by cover of night with a laptop and a satellite phone, a la press crews in Afghanistan in the 1980s (I used to do web design for a self-employed woman who did this, and she has such interesting stories).
I wonder how long this'll laugh and how much this has to do with my total disillusionment with humanity in general (but my sudden presence of gritty determination and the will to actually do something).
I wonder, in fact, how long it'll be before I just resign myself to life once more. *yawns and runs to a seminar*
Am I getting random?
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Latest reply: Dec 12, 2002
For reference,
Posted Dec 12, 2002
I am officially not liked by the people whose house I was going to move into. Or at least, as far as I can tell. .. .. *sigh*.. more information to come. Maybe. (Or maybe I'll just sleep)
Going to give blood this afternoon, and considering going home on friday evening (and then coming back on monday to pick up all of the stuff from my flat), since it's cheaper to go home on the train than spend the weekend here (which would necessitate my spending of yet more money).
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Latest reply: Dec 12, 2002
Half a litre of bacardi..
Posted Dec 10, 2002
..and I feel fine..
Having spent most of the day enduring a combination of depression, paranoia, and despair (and having been told that - having planned a move to a friend of mine's house, I /can't/ move in, but without having been told why not - ), alcohol makes a rather lovely escape. *blissed-out, drunken sigh*
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Latest reply: Dec 10, 2002
Posted Dec 7, 2002
It appears that I may be moving again. four moves in three months... mmm, yummy. . this time, I'm at least moving into a house (rather than a flat), and one in which there are cats.
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Latest reply: Dec 7, 2002
njan (afh)
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