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just a piece of advice to anyone who is thinking about falling in love: don't. you know that sayng "it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"? they lied. smiley - smiley have a nice day.

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Latest reply: Feb 21, 2000


isn't being in love a terrible, terrible thing? smiley - smiley no, i guess not. not when he whistles in your ear and calls you up, forcing you to listen to him work on his french homework over the phone. happy sigh.

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Latest reply: Feb 18, 2000


just finished watching the second episode of Twin Peaks that i taped off Bravo last night while i was out. i saw the movie last weekend, and i must say, rather frightening and intriguing all at once. they advertise it as the show that changed television, i don't doubt that. i only wish it were on more than once a week, i want to find out who killed laura palmer and what that log lady has to do with it. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Feb 12, 2000

2.11.00 ahem...

yes, just clearing my throat a bit. wow, haven't been around here much recently. i sorta started living in the real world (as much of a real world as it can be, at least) once the summer ended. but i'm back. smiley - smiley anyway, yes, if i haven't mentioned before (which i know i have), i produce a literary newsletter of poetry, fiction and essays (and other weird, artsy type stuff). well, things are going well with that. just had the fifth issue come out, big hit as usual. i tell you, once i get out of school, i'm doing this full-time, no doubt about it.

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Latest reply: Feb 11, 2000


 i am, as none of you know, the editor for a publication called "the Echo", which is a litaray newsletter of poetry, short fiction, essays and other weird stuff... i've just recently finished the first issue and am preparing to print it and mail it to those out of town who are interested in receiving a copy. if anyone wants a copy, or a subscription, email me at [email protected] with your name and mailing address. also, if anyone has anything that they'd like to submit to have published in "the Echo", please send it the above adress with your name, school (if you are currently attending) and the city/state in which you reside.

thanx a bundle! i'm so excited, since this is the very first issue ever! yea!!! that's all for now...


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Latest reply: Aug 6, 1999

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