This is a Journal entry by Skie


Post 21

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

A gracious thank-you from the Echo's assistant editor. smiley - smiley


Post 22


thank you very much. some of the best work isn't even on there (well, i have to have some incentive to actually produce the newsletter and not just post the submissions, right? smiley - smiley ). i can send you a copy if you'd like. or you can submit stuff, are you a writer?

grrrr! see, this is why you shouldn't mention things like that to me, i slip into my "editor mode" and start babbling off, advertising it out the wazoo! sigh. anyway, yes, a thank you then, and we'll leave it at that. smiley - smiley


Post 23

Roasted Amoeba

I am occasionally a writer... But nobody ever gets to read anything I write because I only ever write half a story, half a poem, half a... you get the general idea.

I would love a copy, but I live in England, so I guess the postage would be pretty expensive. But thanks anyway... smiley - smiley


Post 24


ahh. true. i never even thought of that. well, if you ever *do* finish anything, feel free to send it. smiley - smiley

hey, amy, we'll have to work at getting some sort of gov't "nonprofit org" statis approval or something eventually, that way we can charge people and still get discounts for postage. smiley - smiley that'll be after we get into college tho (cuz we will keep this up once we're in college, i promise you!)


Post 25

Roasted Amoeba

When it becomes "The Echo Ltd" let me know... smiley - smiley

And definitely keep it up! It's a great idea.


Post 26


smiley - smiley it may be a great idea, but it certainly is a lot of work. i spent all day trying to put together the layout for the next issue and had a few panic attacks, a couple of nervous break-downs and only one or two seizures... but i finally got everything to fit, everything to work, w/out resorting to defying the laws of physics (you know, having the page seem to extend past its actual dimensions or having it fold in on itself to save paper, etc.) smiley - smiley but it is well worth it when you can publish something that people will actually read and appreciate, maybe even learn from or be moved by. sigh. i am so tired...


Post 27

Roasted Amoeba

I once published a school magazine... "Once" being the operative word. Trying to get students to participate is like trying to squeeze an elephant out of a blade of grass.


Post 28

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

It wasn't *quite* that hard for us to get the Echo going... but then, we owe most of that to Skie, here.

*raises glass of ginger ale*

smiley - smiley


Post 29


ginger ale?!? is that all i'm worth? smiley - smiley

actually, i really can't remember how i managed to get people to participate. i think i just kept putting my own stuff in until people got sick of it and started submitting. smiley - smiley plus, i think people like the idea of finally doing something that in no way involves adult supervision...


Post 30

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

well, ginger ale was all I had at the moment, but if I had it, some Benden White would be the best... (haha, if you don't remember what that's about, think Dragons...).

I think it might have been the whole idea that it was student run, unlike Soliloquy, and that it had a diverse group of people- not just MT snobs (haha, and what a generalization is THAT!)-- people from everywhere are submitting. That seems to keep the quality of submissions high, plus, we all know what high standards you have for written work... smiley - smiley

But I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, so I shall go check some other forums now....


Post 31

Roasted Amoeba

*raises glass of water*

However you did it, well done.... smiley - smiley

*remembers that he's already said that and decides to leave*

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