This is a Journal entry by Skie


Post 1


just a piece of advice to anyone who is thinking about falling in love: don't. you know that sayng "it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"? they lied. smiley - smiley have a nice day.


Post 2

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.




Post 3


smiley - smiley


Post 4

Roasted Amoeba

You're saying that Tennyson lied? You're saying that one of the greatest poets who ever lived LIED?


Post 5


well, yes. or, at least, i was. i'm not sure any more. i was a bit bitter that day, as i'm sure you noticed, so i really couldn't say what i believe now. but i think that, at least for the moment, i am better off for not dealing much w/emotion. it's just a rather large hassle and causes a lot of swelling around the eyes and nose, sort of like allergies, except it doens't just happen in the spring. and besides, i'm a poet, and i lie all the time. smiley - smiley some of my best poems were completely false, but they had nice, pretty words and pictures, and they made people feel good. hope is probably more important than truth in most cases.


Post 6

Roasted Amoeba

To steal a quote from my favourite movie, "Hope is a good thing; maybe the best of things; and no good thing ever dies."

So I'd have to agree with you about hope... smiley - smiley

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty
That is all ye know on earth,
and all ye need to know."

So: I have only ever hoped for beauty, not the opposite. Does that mean that I hope for truth?


Post 7

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

*scampers in, realizing forum has been taken over. wonders what i would look like scampering....*

I hope that we all hope for truth, it's really all the more we can hope to hope for.... smiley - smiley

The only reason I disagree with the quote is that, in some circumstances, loving does more harm than good for a person. Since it's not true all the time, it's false. But maybe that's just cause of recent events of my own.

*scampers off*


Post 8

Roasted Amoeba

Oh - I'm sorry... didn't mean to overtake any forums. Usually I lots of trouble just keeping up with them.

Of course, in the "real world", all beauty is not truth; and certainly all truth is not beautiful. But I think a lot of beauty is truth. So I'll just go with that... smiley - smiley


Post 9

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Nah, ya didn't take over... just more I realized it was more of a conversation between you and Skie than anything else... I don't like to envade people's discussions, even if I know one of the people and know (hopefully) she won't be offended. smiley - smiley


Post 10


offended? moi? never! of course, i shall remind you (politely and with utmost geniality) that this was my journal entry. smiley - smiley

hope. beauty. truth. hmmm... i think that if something is truly beautiful... o, wait, i was going to say it is truth, but then again, can i say something is *truly* beautiful w/out it being truth? or is that a contradictory in terms? now i've just confused myself! smiley - smiley well, you know what i mean. if it's not artificial beauty... there's a quote form Ani DiFranco: "truth is beauty, money is beauty, hell, beauty is beauty sometimes" i think she was basically making fun of the whole idea of beauty being anything other than itself. which is why beauty i think can be *honest* but not exactly *Truth* itself, ya know? ok, getting very deep into abstraction now...

... anyway. yes. what were we talkign about originally? love? where did that go? smiley - smiley tata.


Post 11

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Love is so difficult to deal with when one wonders about the truth in the universe...

Anyway, love is beautiful (at least, I've been told, I wouldn't know from total personal experience....). Truth is beautiful. Those little buttercups that grow on my lawn, they're beautiful. The little scar on my favorite horse's nostril... that is beautiful (okay, it was more cute, work with me here). Of course, right now, everything's beautiful to me... I'm in a "beautiful" mood, if you don't mind the pun. smiley - smiley

Okay. I'll stop there, seeing as my train of thought has crashed and now is being inspected by a clean-up crew.


Post 12



that's all i have for right now. smiley - smiley

ok, i lied. love is a beautiful thing. it is. trust me. i was angry at it for a while, me and love were not on speaking terms, but now i have forgiven it and moved on. this doesn't mean it's still around, just that i have forgiven it for leaving. sigh. does this make sense? ok, advice, never try to personify emotion (esp. love).


Post 13

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

not personify an emotion? isn't that against the writer's oath? smiley - winkeye but the whole thing makes sense.

btw, i will get back to your email (about Revelations) asap, but i do sort of have a term paper to write for clouser, as well as that annoying trig stuff to do tonight, so i will have to do it later. g'bye.


Post 14

Roasted Amoeba

I think did a very good job trying to explain an emotion... or emotions... or whatever it was... smiley - smiley

Mmmm.... trig... can I help? I like trig... smiley - bigeyes


Post 15

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I think I've said it before... vectors... *shudder......!*

smiley - smiley


Post 16

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I think I've said it before... vectors... *shudder......!*

smiley - smiley


Post 17

Roasted Amoeba

Heh heh... yep, I think we've had this conversation somewhere before... smiley - smiley

I just had to study matrices. If there's one thing I hate, it's matrices. I used to hate vectors, but that was last week, because I was studying them last week. Next week we will be doing "advanced calculus", whatever that is - I have a feeling that it is going to be VERY nasty... smiley - sadface


Post 18


you guys are too clever for me! smiley - winkeye


Post 19

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Er... no.

You're the noe with the A in Sassaman's class, my friend. smiley - smiley


Post 20

Roasted Amoeba

I never said I could actually DO maths... I'm just *supposed* to be able to do it.

Er... by the way, I had at look at The Echo homepage and read some of the stuff - it's wonderful! smiley - smiley

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