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had a wonderful time last night! no more sitting around at home moping. finally spent some time alone w/brian w/out feeling "weird". life is good.

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Latest reply: Mar 18, 2000


kiss me i'm irish.

today needs to guard against yesterdays and laugh at tomorrows; but too often it cries over the past and sighs for the future.

here's my mock poem for today: "the sand was sugar grains like bright-color legos lapped by a pimp ocean in a fur coat under a chesire cat's moon... but i am nowhere near" this is too demonstrate how too many metaphors can confuse you.

i have too many metaphors in my life.

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Latest reply: Mar 17, 2000


i wrote a poem today. it's been a while. i've mostly been writing fiction (you know, my short story for creative writing). anyway, it felt good to write poetry again. very nice indeed. but overall, i'm still not doing too well. all is fair...

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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2000


"or you'll be living in a van down by the river!"

we had a motivational speaker today who introduced himself to us by stating proudly that he broke the New England record for having the lowest SAT scores. i gave him a standing o not becuz i think he motivated anyone present to be better people, but becuz anyone who can bounce back from a rotten childhood and still love people deserves to be respected.

went to the park last night to play frisbee in the dark w/glow sticks, but it rained, so my friends and i sat around under the pavilion singing along w/brian's guitar playing. reminds me of summer.

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Latest reply: Mar 10, 2000


mardi gras! yeah! ::throws beads around her neck and dances on coffee table:: i mean, o good, lent's about to start, i can begin depriving myself of things. smiley - smiley

lately, i have become rather proficient in my writing (finishing the rough drafts of two stories in under a week!) and have been practically ecstatic otherwise as well. of course, if you ask some of my friends, they'd point to me as the perfect example of a classical case of denial. smiley - smiley o well. :-p to them! at least i think i'm happy. smiley - smiley good enough for me...

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Latest reply: Mar 7, 2000

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