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Latest reply: Mar 1, 2000


LEAP year! heehee. now i can ask the man of my dreams to marry me... then again...

we gave a concert for the adorable little sixth graders, john phillip soussa! they're so cute before they're corrupted by middle school. i'm not good w/kids, but i certainly admire people who are. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Feb 29, 2000


so, things are looking up. last night we had a thunder storm. you know that the days after thunderstorms are always interesting days, at least for me they are. i have to write a short story for my creative writing class and i have pretty much the tons-of-ideas-but-no-plot-and-no-characters syndomre, which really bothers me (owww! pain in the bottom of my spine!). so anyway, yes, life is good. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Feb 28, 2000


went to a show last night w/a coupla local bands playing. interesting. nobody danced (except me, of course). incredibly depressed today becuz i finally realized that nobody actually loves anybody else completely, and in my case, for more than a year or two. sigh. i'm a sad, sad being.

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Latest reply: Feb 26, 2000


it's good to be feeling interested in things again. had a wonderful chat about the evils of technology ::evil grin:: during civ/glob today, plus a theater group is starting up that needs people to write scripts, right up my alley. heehee. smiley - smiley yes, very good. i needed some time to do some interesting things; i'm tired of being one of those happy-becuz-she-has-to-be people.

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Latest reply: Feb 23, 2000

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