This is a Journal entry by Skie


Post 1


went to a show last night w/a coupla local bands playing. interesting. nobody danced (except me, of course). incredibly depressed today becuz i finally realized that nobody actually loves anybody else completely, and in my case, for more than a year or two. sigh. i'm a sad, sad being.


Post 2

Roasted Amoeba

Unfortunately, I know the feeling. Very painful feeling. But I wouldn't give up hope entirely, if I were you, about the possibility of being loved completely.

Faith, hope, and love... these three remain. Or so the Bible says...


Post 3


yes. smiley - smiley sometimes i just forget.


Post 4

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Ah, is this what happened this weekend to get you into that weird mood? Cuz you never told me, and I worry when that happens.

Hopefully that conversation in Gifted yesterday helped a bit. Next time, I bring ammunition, because I don't agree with everything Gretchen said, and I like to win my arguments. At least, sometimes. Prepare thyself... mwhahahahahaha! smiley - winkeye

I now return you to your regularly scheduled forum....


Post 5


i was in a weird mood? i don't remember that? o, wait...

yeah, well, it was a combination of... well, everything. sigh. i'm doing a lot of sighing today... sigh...


Post 6

Roasted Amoeba

Weird moods... I seem to be have been in a weird mood for the last year or so.

It's starting to get annoying. I've forgotten what being non-weird was like...


Post 7

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

That's a good thing. Weird is fun.

Most of the time.


Post 8


i would't say "fun". maybe... interesting? smiley - smiley soemtimes i get tired of feeling weird, tho. but o well, there's always... um, stuff. and... people. yeah. ok, i'm going now...


Post 9

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

different. i sort of enjoy it when i get "you're insane" looks from my family... like when i told them about my fight with Ian (my character). Ian and I are starting to agree more on the plot... but he's still saying "but 'Manda! I don't want to do this *now*! Can't it wait till after the next scene?!" smiley - smiley


Post 10

Roasted Amoeba

Yes, I think weird is fun... and interesting... smiley - smiley

But it's annoying when I'm talking to a "non-weird" friend and they start to look at me strangely, and I realise I've accidentally said something "weird"...


Post 11


i know what you mean. people look at me like that even when i'm *not* in one of my "weird moods" per se. then they tell me, "you're weird" and i tell them, "that's ok, 'cuz i have high self-esteem, so that makes up for it" smiley - smiley


Post 12

Roasted Amoeba

Yes, exactly. I'm weird and proud of it... smiley - smiley

I don't know about you, but I find that when I meet somebody who is more weird than me, it's kinda scary...


Post 13


i like meeting people who are weirder than i am. as long as they're naturally that way and not just trying too hard. smiley - smiley most of the truly weird people have ways of concealing their true nature until you sit down and have an hour long conversation with them (that's when the philosophy and theology and morals and everything that defines their character actually come out). very cool.


Post 14

Roasted Amoeba

I can imagine... smiley - smiley

I'm curious... would you class yourself as weird?

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