Journal Entries


 hello. i'm really tired. i was on the phone talking with Chris, a friend of mine, untill 4 am about all sorts of stuff. talking on the phone when your only half awake and sitting on the back porch watching a suspicious red light in the yard that doesn't move is rather fun in an insane kind of way. Just a piece of advice for anyone who wants to try that though: don't investigate the red light.


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Latest reply: Jul 26, 1999


 Does anyone happen to know how to delete mutiple copies of a user page that one may have accidently created by hitting the button impatiently a coupla times before deciding to give up and hve a Coke? ::smiling sheepishly:: I'm asking for a friend...


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Latest reply: Jul 22, 1999

First Journal Entry -- Susquehanna University

 Wow. My first journal entry. I don't know what to say. This is really weird. Can everyone who wants to read this? That's rather scarey. Well, might as well think of something useful to say then.

I went this past week to a writing camp at Susquehanna University. Susquehanna U. is the top ranked small liberal arts college in the Northern region of the U.S.A. It's about an hour and a half north-west from where I live. Anyway, it's a beautiful campus. But so small! I mean, the first day during one of my breaks, I went for a quiet walk to waste the time; fifteen minutes later I got back to my dorm room and knew the enitre campus like the back of my brother's hand (which, by the way, is very memorable, since it has this wart on one side and this weird scar that is there for no real reason). So, anyway, I really loved the campus tho, and there are some small towns right outside, which we couldn't explore during my visit because of legal concerns. A bunch of highschoolers roaming around wouldn't be a good idea; at least on campus you have SOME security. Anyway, I met a lot of wonderful people there. I'd just like to say hi to a couple of them:

Lynsey, my roommate, how's it goin'? Havin' fun, I hope. Good.
Bryan: hey man. what's up? I watched DPS the other day. great movie!
Sarah: i hope you have fun in college! good luck. and keep sending me poetry! can't wait for the pictures!
James: i loved your 60 sec. story!
Luis: you really should have more faith in your writing. you rock!
Justin: one word for ya, man. PORN!
Megan: i hope you're feeling better. it really sucked that you were sick during that week.

Ok, now I'm done. I guess I don't have much to add now. I highly reccomend Susquehanna U. to anyone who is in love with education anbd the arts and doesn't mind being isolated from society for a while. (God knows sometimes it's a GOOD thing!) smiley - smiley

That's it for my first journal entry. Hope you all enjoyed it out there! Good bye.


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Latest reply: Jul 22, 1999

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