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happy days are here again!

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Latest reply: Jun 5, 2000


why is it that no one believes you when you say you don't want to talk about something? i told him i didn't want to talk about my problems, but then he said he felt bad b/c i couldn't go to him, so i did. and what happened? exactly what i was afraid of, he sat there and told me all of the reasons i should change. did i tell him he needed to change when he came to me on thursday? no. i sat there and i listened and i showed him that i cared for him by doing so. i didn't want to talk about it anyway. i didn't want him solving my problems, i just wanted someone to listen. sigh.

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Latest reply: May 21, 2000


first marching band meeting today!!! smiley - smiley <---huge smile!!! i absolutely *love* the music we're playing (no, really, i'm serious) and the moon tonight was a harvest, as if it didn't know any better.

but i don't like the way it was looking at me. it reminds me too much of solitude.

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Latest reply: May 18, 2000


thank God it's friday!!!! smiley - smiley that's all i have to say about that.

that, and "o micky, what a pity you don't understand: you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand" heehee

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Latest reply: May 12, 2000


it's such a beautiful day! i'm wearing shorts, for pete's sake!!! smiley - smiley i cleaned my room and the windows are open and everything is beautiful.

life is good. life is very good.

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Latest reply: May 6, 2000

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