This is a Journal entry by Skie


Post 1


thank God it's friday!!!! smiley - smiley that's all i have to say about that.

that, and "o micky, what a pity you don't understand: you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand" heehee


Post 2

Roasted Amoeba

I always seem to get "that Friday feeling" on Tuesday. But I don't know why. Strange.


Post 3


actually, this week monday felt like thursday, tuesday felt like friday and every day after that was just rather frustrating. that's why i was so happy it *was* friday, even tho i didn't have the "friday feeling" anymore. smiley - smiley


Post 4

Roasted Amoeba

Well, that's nice. smiley - smiley

I've got the Sunday feeling at the moment. Oh wait, it *is* Sunday. That makes sense, I s'pose.

I have decided to skip Monday this week, and go straight to Tuesday. I *really* hate Mondays.


Post 5


actually, monday is one of my better days. but only b/c i happen to have a class that i absolutely love on mondays while i don't have a class i find an incredible waste of time. plus, after a weekend of, more than likely, lonely isolation that i often have, i'm glad to be back among people (whether they like it or not smiley - winkeye). (i'm exagerating, of course. i often have wonderful weekends, it's only lately that they've been rather dull... but that's b/c my best friend's boyfriend's back in town and so she spends all her time w/him -- but enough complaining from me smiley - smiley)


Post 6

Roasted Amoeba

Complain all you like, I don't mind. smiley - smiley

I know the feeling about isolation - for the last couple of years of my schooling, I homeschooled with my mum (or mom, as I think you say). It was good in some respects, but it did get lonely.

In fact that's probably why I like uni so much - being around people all the time.

Incidentally, do you really mean that there are classes that *aren't* a complete waste of time? Wow!

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