Journal Entries

3.6.2013 - Hitchhiker's Guide Editor to the Galaxy?

I seem to have been promoted - official title Chief Scout, but with it comes Guide Editor status.smiley - yikes


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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2013

2.4.2013 - Eureka!

Today I went to the National Children's Museum, but was very disappointed. Instead of seeing lots of youngsters behind glass cases arranged geographically, there were lots of hands-on interactive displays for kids to play with...


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Latest reply: Apr 2, 2013

1.4.2013 - Walk De-feet

The walking holiday didn't quite work out as expected. We got to Avebury Stone Circle, the start of the Ridgeway walk, but what The Fish U43536 had assumed to be a sprain or twisted ankle was in fact a broken leg. Instead of walking 90 miles from Avebury, we successfully managed to walk around the Avebury Stone Circle and visited A&E.

Hopefully we'll actually walk the walk later this year...


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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2013

28.3.2013 - I am just going outside

I may be some time...


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Latest reply: Mar 28, 2013

26.3.2013 - Any Ridgeway But Loose

I have a cunning plan for walking the Ridgeway National Trail, an 87-mile walk through the North Wessex Downs and Chilternssmiley - footprints:

Day 1 - Saturday 30th March - 13 miles - Avebury Stone Circule to Liddington Castle via Avebury Stone Circle, White Horse, Barbury Castle (Back in time for Doctor Who)
Day 2 - Sunday 31st March - 15 miles - Liddington Castle to Ridgeway Centre via Wayland's Smithy, Uffington Castle & White Horse
Day 3 - Saturday 6th April - 14 miles - Ridgeway Centre to Goring via Monument
Day 4 - Sunday 7th April - 15 miles - Goring to Watlington via Wallingford Castle
Day 5 - Saturday 13th April - 17 miles - Watlington to Wendover via David Cameron's House
Day 6 - Sunday 14th April - 13 miles - Wendover to Ivinghoe Beacon


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Latest reply: Mar 26, 2013

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Researcher U43530

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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