Journal Entries

20.2.2012 - Blue Lid, Purple Bottle

On Saturday I attended my first major meet-up since the Reading meet-up in 2001. In recent years family commitments have stopped me from attending meet-ups and was supposed to be in Leeds attending an in-law family-thing, but I rebelled, sneaked out for a bit and managed to, albeit briefly, gatecrash the Manchester meet at last minute. Alas I had to run off before 3:30pm to catch a train back, but although only there for a short time and unable to spend as much time with everyone as I would have liked, I enjoyed every minute. Looking forward to the next one, when hopefully I'll be able to stay for a bit longer.

As the meet up page said name badges were required, I decided to make one. My fool-proof plan: find a blue bottle, put a label saying 'Bluebottle' on it and then use a safety-pin to turn it into a badge. Although there was a minor technical issue of my being unable to actually find a bottle coloured blue, the closest being purple with a blue lid, but I don't think anyone noticed...

I might have to stay as 'Purplebottle' for a week, though smiley - winkeye


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Latest reply: Feb 20, 2012

11.1.2012 - All The Galaxy's A Stage

It's official, we've got the tickets - Former H2G2 President Peregrin and I are off to see the stage version of the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy on Sunday 15th July 2012.

It's at the Mayflower Theatre for one night only, and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Show stars the original cast members from the television and radio series of Douglas Adam's The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reuniting for a new stage version of the show. So Simon Jones as Arthur Dent, Geoff McGivern as Ford Prefect, Susan Sheridan as Trillian, Mark Wing-Davey as Zaphod Beeblebrox and the voice of Stephen Moore as Marvin the Paranoid Android.smiley - wow

I hope the bar has stocked up on smiley - pggb


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Latest reply: Jan 11, 2012

3.1.2012 - New Year's Resolutions

Like many people, I have made a few New Year's Resoluations. Many of them are the normal things I hope to do anyway - stay active and continue cycling to work, eat healthier and spend more quality day-to-day time with the kids (difficult as they tend to go to bed as soon as I get in from work). But who cares about them, eh? What are my h2g2 related resolutions?

This year for h2g2 I plan to:
smiley - modWrite at least 10 things for smiley - thepost.
smiley - modWrite a couple of things for the Edited Guide.
smiley - modDo 3 or more Flea Market Rescues (not necessarily to the Front Page, but at least put through Peer Review)
smiley - modDo something to take part in Create each month.
smiley - modDo arty stuff for the Art Volunteers.
smiley - modTry to attend a H2G2 Meet-Up.

How many of these will I be able to do? Only the year will tell.


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Latest reply: Jan 3, 2012

22.12.2011 - String (Four Journal Posts in December 4)

In these days of musical Christmas lights, fibre optic Christmas trees, dancing Father Christmases and twinkling advent candles, what is the best Christmas decoration?
In my view nothing can beat the old classic, a piece of string. Just a plain piece of string, held on the wall with drawing pins. Any length will do, one that's twice the distance from the middle to either end is fine.

What is so special about the piece of string? Well, from mid-December, whenever a Christmas card arrives, it is put on the piece of string. When your child brings home a card they made at nursery or pre-school, they are put proudly on display on the piece of string. The humble piece of string soon becomes a cherished focus of Christmas, with all the warm wishes and joy that Christmas brings proudly presented on display on the string for all to see.

And no number of sparkly lights smiley - discoor musical gimmickry can replace that.


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Latest reply: Dec 22, 2011

19.12.2011 - Dressing Gowns & Tea Towels (Four Journal Posts 3)

Q) Have you ever discovered that your family or neighbourhood has what others consider an unusual holiday custom?
A) Wearing a dressing gown, with a tea-towel on your head

The tea towel and dressing gown – the unsung heroes of the Christmas Nativity Play. Your son has been cast as Joseph? Simply dress him in a dressing gown and put a tea-towel on his head, held in place with a bit of string. He's a shepherd? Dressing gown and tea-towel (optional walking stick and cuddly sheep). Inn keeper? Dressing-gown and tea-towel. King or Wise Man? Dressing gown, tea-towel and additionally a hat from a Christmas cracker. King Herod? The same.

What if you have a daughter playing Mary? Light blue dressing gown and a plain white tea-towel on her head, and a doll. It's only if you were a sheep, donkey, camel or angel that you had to deviate from the tried, tested, trusty tea-towel and dressing gown combination.

Douglas Adams must have really enjoyed his Christmas Nativity plays and ensured that his hero, Arthur Dent, would be ready to play Joseph at a moment's notice.


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Latest reply: Dec 19, 2011

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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