Journal Entries

11.3.2013 - Mothering Skypeday

Yesterday I finally joined the 20th Century by making a video call on my computer (in this case, to wish my Mum a happy Mothering Sunday at 7:30am).

I also learnt a very important lesson - always put the webcam high up if you want to avoid looking like you have an enormous double-chin.smiley - puff


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Latest reply: Mar 11, 2013

13.2.2013 - Doesn't that just take the biscuit?

I've now given up chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks and my fatal weakness, biscuits, for Lent. I'll have to see if I lose any weight between now and Easter Sunday.


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Latest reply: Feb 13, 2013

4.1.2013 - New Year, New Resolutions

My h2g2 related resolutions for 2013 are to:
smiley - modWrite at least 10 things for smiley - thepost.
smiley - modGet a 200 Edited Articles Badge!
smiley - modWrite an article beginning with the letter X
smiley - modDo 2 or more Flea Market Rescues (not necessarily to the Front Page, but at least put through Peer Review)
smiley - modDo something to take part in Create each month.
smiley - modDo arty stuff for the Art Volunteers.
smiley - modTry to attend a H2G2 Meet-Up.

How many of these will I be able to do? I'll let you know this time next year!


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Latest reply: Jan 4, 2013

27.11.2012 - Going Through The Stop-Motions

Yesterday I went to the cinema (an unusual event in itself since having children) to see a documentary about childhood hero Ray Harryhausen, entitled 'Ray Harryhausen Special Effects Titan' at the Harbour Lights Picture House. This was the only showing on the only day it was on in the only cinema in Southampton (and, I believe, Hampshire) showing it . After the screening their was an unanounnced Q&A session with Tony Dalton, Curator of the Harryhausen Foundation and author of many books about and with Ray Harryhausen (he lives on the Isle of Wight) who was the producer of the documentary, and he'd brought along with him a skeleton from Jason And The Argonauts and the ornithomimus dinosaur from The Valley of Gwangi.smiley - wow

I had a good long chat with him in the bar afterwards (I offered, but the skeleton didn't want a drink).


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Latest reply: Nov 27, 2012

23.9.2012 - Blast from the Past

Yesterday we went to Broadlands House in Romsey to their 'You're History' event. In this, over 700 re-enactors put on displays of all eras of history, especially armed combat, from the Ancient Greeks to the modern day. We'd gone mainly to support my Dad, who was representing Princess Beatrice's Isle of Wight Rifles Living History Association and the Great War.

It's not every day that you see a white Zulu warrior from 1879 queuing between a member of the German SS and a Greek Hoplite to use the portaloos. Good day out.


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Latest reply: Sep 23, 2012

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