This is a Journal entry by Bluebottle

23.9.2012 - Blast from the Past

Post 1


Yesterday we went to Broadlands House in Romsey to their 'You're History' event. In this, over 700 re-enactors put on displays of all eras of history, especially armed combat, from the Ancient Greeks to the modern day. We'd gone mainly to support my Dad, who was representing Princess Beatrice's Isle of Wight Rifles Living History Association and the Great War.

It's not every day that you see a white Zulu warrior from 1879 queuing between a member of the German SS and a Greek Hoplite to use the portaloos. Good day out.


23.9.2012 - Blast from the Past

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I hope you took photossmiley - winkeye

23.9.2012 - Blast from the Past

Post 3

Icy North

Last time I went there I was a large group of people in plastic fezzes doing running-on-the-spot dancing. It was a Madness concert.

23.9.2012 - Blast from the Past

Post 4


Yes, I took a few hundred photos - have to look through them all. Are photographs of re-enactors in costume taken in a large field eligible to be used as photos in the Guide? Unlike the Isle of Wight Festival, there were no terms and conditions on the tickets about the use of photographs.


23.9.2012 - Blast from the Past

Post 5


how do they look? and how was it?

23.9.2012 - Blast from the Past

Post 6


Still not had a proper look through the photos yet - I don't get that much free time what with chasing after the kids smiley - winkeye


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