This is a Journal entry by Bluebottle

13.2.2013 - Doesn't that just take the biscuit?

Post 1


I've now given up chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks and my fatal weakness, biscuits, for Lent. I'll have to see if I lose any weight between now and Easter Sunday.


13.2.2013 - Doesn't that just take the biscuit?

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - applause

The only good biscuits for dieters are fig biscuits.

If you've lost weight by Easter Sunday are you going to treat yourself to a smiley - chocsmiley - chick?

I am finding the smiley - choceggs in the shops hard to resist smiley - drool but I've not had any chocolate since Christmas. I really could murder a Cadbury's Creme Egg smiley - headhurts (sorry, I'm sure you could too...)smiley - run

13.2.2013 - Doesn't that just take the biscuit?

Post 3

Icy North

This thread is starting to give me ideas for guide entries. smiley - smiley

13.2.2013 - Doesn't that just take the biscuit?

Post 4


For at least 10 years I've given up smiley - choc for Lent, which means you enjoy the smiley - choc eggs more - although I usually go for the ones with a small egg and a mug (but recently the mugs you get are now really small). Somehow it's now added up to include crisps, fizzy drinks were introduced 2 years ago, and now biscuits. Doing well so far - but it's only 4pm on Ash Wednesday smiley - winkeye

So, what is your article idea, Icy?


13.2.2013 - Doesn't that just take the biscuit?

Post 5

Icy North

Creme Eggs was the idea. That product has a fascinating history. Does anyone remember the golden egg hunt they organised in the (late 70's early 80s?) At least I *think* that was promoting creme eggs...

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