This is a Journal entry by Bluebottle

22.12.2011 - String (Four Journal Posts in December 4)

Post 1


In these days of musical Christmas lights, fibre optic Christmas trees, dancing Father Christmases and twinkling advent candles, what is the best Christmas decoration?
In my view nothing can beat the old classic, a piece of string. Just a plain piece of string, held on the wall with drawing pins. Any length will do, one that's twice the distance from the middle to either end is fine.

What is so special about the piece of string? Well, from mid-December, whenever a Christmas card arrives, it is put on the piece of string. When your child brings home a card they made at nursery or pre-school, they are put proudly on display on the piece of string. The humble piece of string soon becomes a cherished focus of Christmas, with all the warm wishes and joy that Christmas brings proudly presented on display on the string for all to see.

And no number of sparkly lights smiley - discoor musical gimmickry can replace that.


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22.12.2011 - String (Four Journal Posts in December 4)

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