This is a Journal entry by Bluebottle

2.4.2013 - Eureka!

Post 1


Today I went to the National Children's Museum, but was very disappointed. Instead of seeing lots of youngsters behind glass cases arranged geographically, there were lots of hands-on interactive displays for kids to play with...


2.4.2013 - Eureka!

Post 2


you cant do that these days...... pity smiley - winkeye

2.4.2013 - Eureka!

Post 3

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Whatever you do, don't don't go to Dali Museum.

Not a single doll in whole place, just a bunch of strange paintingssmiley - erm

F smiley - dolphin S

2.4.2013 - Eureka!

Post 4

Icy North

I went to the Farnborough Air Show last year - it was great. Lots of labelled jars with different varieties of air I could try. The 1928 Woking Station Shunting Yard was my favourite - very invocative.

2.4.2013 - Eureka!

Post 5


There is a lace museum on the Isle of Wight that's worth a visit I was hopeing they might have particularly fine display of WW1 Boot laces or a lace from Emma Pabkthrst's corset.

It was full of fancy hankies !

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