This is a Journal entry by Bluebottle

3.6.2013 - Hitchhiker's Guide Editor to the Galaxy?

Post 21

Icy North

{No, the filther is not fixed, no BB can't update it (no-one can)... }

Spoilsport smiley - tongueout

3.6.2013 - Hitchhiker's Guide Editor to the Galaxy?

Post 22


In theory I should be able to, but there's several tables in the database and I haven't figured out which one is the right one yet.

So you'll all just have to promise to be on your best behaviour for now smiley - biggrin

3.6.2013 - Hitchhiker's Guide Editor to the Galaxy?

Post 23

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Belgium. yep... defiantely not quite working as it should... smiley - whistlesmiley - sillysmiley - run

3.6.2013 - Hitchhiker's Guide Editor to the Galaxy?

Post 24

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I yam always on my best behaviour smiley - angel

Oooh! Shiny! smiley - bigeyes

3.6.2013 - Hitchhiker's Guide Editor to the Galaxy?

Post 25


Whenever I'm on my best behaviour I always end up with smiley - footinmouth


3.6.2013 - Hitchhiker's Guide Editor to the Galaxy?

Post 26

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

BB, you should follow my example and I will show you what NOT to do smiley - biggrin

See that BIG button, over there? smiley - shrug

If you press that everything goes into AWWWkkk! smiley - yikes

[lil has been removed by the moderators for safety reasons]

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