This is a Journal entry by Bluebottle

26.3.2013 - Any Ridgeway But Loose

Post 1


I have a cunning plan for walking the Ridgeway National Trail, an 87-mile walk through the North Wessex Downs and Chilternssmiley - footprints:

Day 1 - Saturday 30th March - 13 miles - Avebury Stone Circule to Liddington Castle via Avebury Stone Circle, White Horse, Barbury Castle (Back in time for Doctor Who)
Day 2 - Sunday 31st March - 15 miles - Liddington Castle to Ridgeway Centre via Wayland's Smithy, Uffington Castle & White Horse
Day 3 - Saturday 6th April - 14 miles - Ridgeway Centre to Goring via Monument
Day 4 - Sunday 7th April - 15 miles - Goring to Watlington via Wallingford Castle
Day 5 - Saturday 13th April - 17 miles - Watlington to Wendover via David Cameron's House
Day 6 - Sunday 14th April - 13 miles - Wendover to Ivinghoe Beacon


26.3.2013 - Any Ridgeway But Loose

Post 2


Anyone wanting to know where it is, you can follow the route here:

smiley - stnirptoofsmiley - footprints
smiley - footprintssmiley - stnirptoof


26.3.2013 - Any Ridgeway But Loose

Post 3


loads of photos please smiley - ok

26.3.2013 - Any Ridgeway But Loose

Post 4


Factor in some time for exploring Waylands Smithy. It's lovely (or it was a decade ago). The White Horse is better appreciated from a distance though.

Good luck!

smiley - fairy

26.3.2013 - Any Ridgeway But Loose

Post 5


If he gets as far as the white horse he can ride home. smiley - smiley

Better say that before lil dosesmiley - smiley

26.3.2013 - Any Ridgeway But Loose

Post 6


Avebury A1150381 was noted as in need of an update and a photo in 2003, whilst you are there smiley - smiley

26.3.2013 - Any Ridgeway But Loose

Post 7


This is the Conversation Forum for The Avebury Neolithic Monument, Wiltshire, UK

THE Posted conversation re Avebury just after the entry was posted.

Subject: Update required?
Posted Dec 5, 2003 by Alan S Post: 1

Nice general article, but you might want to update it, as work on the cove has been completed for now, and the fences are gone.

Also, some new (buried) stones have recently been discovered!

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You are just the chap

smiley - laugh

26.3.2013 - Any Ridgeway But Loose

Post 8


I'll have a look when we're there, and hope to take photos, but I'm not sure what the weather's going to be like at the moment...

I can't believe that article didn't mention 'Children of the Stones' - when I come back I might have to see if they sell that on DVD. If I remember right, I think they made that at Avebury (it's been a good 2 or 3 decades since I saw it).


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