This is the Message Centre for wysiwyger

Neo-Is this...

Post 101

Ali Dubya

Of course, it's entirely subjective. smiley - biggrin

Tomorrow, I shall not mention the 'c' word. I promise.

But now, bed. Night!

Neo-Is this...

Post 102


Goodnight Ali. Don't dream about c*****et!

Neo-Is this...

Post 103


It is the night before the day after in the brand-spanking new “Is this…” BB house. The new house has been designed and architected by the award-winning firm Dubya Associates, and interior décor throughout has been supplied by Wyger Enterprises. As such, it combines low-impact, environmentally friendly materials with a comfortable yet visually-challenging style..

Garden features are courtesy of TMW Scarlett, whilst technology consultancy was provided by LLB Inc.

A number of surprises are cunningly concealed throughout.

But who will enter the house? All contestants are currently being held in top-secret locations across the world, and security is tight. We shall just have to wait and see what the future has in store…..

Neo-Is this...

Post 104

Pat Pending

1. Pants.
2. Moore.
3. Down (except on cricket shirts when you've just had your hair cut revealind a white nape and the sun's burning you up).
4. The Queen Is Dead.

Contrary to tabloid speculation over the weekend, I am not at all annoyed about the new 'Is this.....': however, someone has mentioned the location of the new on the old, so we'll have to see what happens.

I played against my club on Saturday, and had figures of 10-2-29-4, including the club's best batsman c&b, leading to rather OTT celebrations on my part. Didn't bat, as we won by 7 wickets with 7 balls remaining.

Neo-Is this...

Post 105


Good Morning Pat-Great story me owld mate.

smiley - burgersmiley - footprintssmiley - hotdogsmiley - footprintssmiley - whistle

Neo-Is this...

Post 106

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Morning PP, and everyone else too smiley - smiley

Glad to hear you were victorious in your cricketing endeavours.


Have we entered the House?

Did Hazel transfer the water feature in all it's glory?

Is that the Magster over there with her nose in a/the good book?

Is the bowler hatted mystery guest still in the shed?

Neo-Is this...

Post 107


The of still stands Scarlet.smiley - rose

Neo-Is this...

Post 108



I would like to ask you very politely not to post on this thread. If you do I'm afraid that what happened on the old "Is this...." thread will happen here. You are posting on that thread now with everyone who wants to talk to you. So there is no reason why everyone should not be happy.

I hope you will see the reason in this.



Neo-Is this...

Post 109

Ali Dubya

...I can see half-eaten can of beans and a plate of marsh potato sitting on the kitchen table...

...and what is that over in the corner? It looks like a slightly soiled pair of cr***et pads and a helmet...

...there appear to be cherry stones and the remains of what looks like some form of mock-Russian architectural structure...

...can I hear Leonard Cohen; and is that a Canadian flag draped over the washing machine?...

What is going on?

Neo-Is this...

Post 110


Do you mind Hazel-I was talking to Scarlet!!

Neo-Is this...

Post 111


Doug, I have nothing to add to my previous post to you.

Neo-Is this...

Post 112


Pat - you say your vital statistics are 10-2-29-4 and that you had 7 balls left when you finished playing. I must say I find this a little hard to believe, although it may be just a common delusion similar to the one you have about turnips smiley - smiley

CG & Ali - we can enter the house whenever we like - but it has been given a stunning make-over so not sure if the water feature etc are still there. But I'm sure we can construct a new one which may be even more exciting. Also, I think Legers wanted to move away from his bean-fetish (obviously getting a little embarassing) but then again, if he's not around..... smiley - biggrin

ps Ali well done for not mentioning, er, you-know-what yet!

Neo-Is this...

Post 113

Ali Dubya


Not mentioning what?

Neo-Is this...

Post 114

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

the Hermitage perhaps?

Neo-Is this...

Post 115

Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~

Apologies for butting in - I just wished to thank the inhabitants of this august thread for casting a Ducal vote or three over the last week.

smiley - rosesmiley - bubbly

Must say I'm glad it's all over - there are only so many ways one can occupy oneself in a house stuffed full of nubile teenage fillies smiley - bigeyes

Hurrah !


Neo-Is this...

Post 116

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Well done Perry - have a quails egg.

Neo-Is this...

Post 117

Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~

Don't mind if I do.

smiley - biggrin

Neo-Is this...

Post 118

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Oh - and Perry - did you do well? I have just had a quick glance at the Big Sis garden...I have to say, most disappointing. No water feature and no Yaks.

Neo-Is this...

Post 119

Peregrine, 22nd Duke of Earl ~ What would Magnum P.I. do ? ~

Dear Lady, the question of whether or not one did well remains hanging rather in the balance, due to the apparent beggering-off of the organisers of the bally thing.

I quite agree with you about the Garden - most disappointing ! Athough we were offered a hot tub and a swimming-pool, these facilities are of little use to a bottom-heavy old Cavalry-man such as I.

Aren't Yaks rather uncommon in Essex ? Nasty things - hooves and fur y'know ....

smiley - bubbly

Neo-Is this...

Post 120


Ali - shhhhhhhhhh!

Perry - I thought you were very restrained. Actually it could have been a lot more fun - but hardly anyone else was posting. They all had excuses like they had to go to school, or "digibox" problems.

CG - water features - yes. But would you really think it wise to bring Yaks into the "Is this..." BB?

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