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Post 41


Magster, a much better idea is to get Mr Magster to open the bottles for you - if you are lying on your back. Otherwise it will just spill all over you. smiley - smiley

That reminds me - I was opeinng a tin of paint last week and it had this plastic strip around it - the instructions "Simply pull tag and break off all round". SIMPLY???? I was hacking at it with a knife, I took scissors to it, I got soooo annoyed with it. Eventually I laid it on its side and brute-forced it with a screwdriver.... yes, you guessed it, half the can on the floor. Yuck.

BTW - how are the floors now they're finished?

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Post 42

Ali Dubya

We tend to stay for two or three but never indulge in Magster-like quantities because most people have to drive.

Besides, I am knackered and therefore don't want to show my face in public.

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Post 43


Ali, I have the solution. You need to move to a little village where they have a local c****et team and a pub which is within walking distance of everyone's home. You coukd give talks on The Hermitage to the Women;s Institute Your cooking skills will be much in demand and you would win prizes at the county show.

The only problem with this is that you would have to move back in time about 50 years smiley - smiley

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Post 44

The Magster

Hazel that sounds a bit like Ripley in Surrey, lovely pitch backing onto a common, thatched roof on club house which has a lovely bar and eric clapton lives just around the corner. What more could one ask?

Floor...I'm trying to make it grow on me but it isn't.

Simply paint those tops they put on 6 pints of milk. I always have to use a knife.

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Post 45

Ali Dubya

I've played at Ripley. There's no cashpoint there.

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Post 46

Ali Dubya

Hazel, do you have a time-travel machine I could borrow?

Look, I am not bloody sulking, okay?

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Post 47

Ali Dubya

Hazel, keen on sport as you are, did you hear about England's magnificent win this morning against 'The All Blacks' in the 'rugby union' international?

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Post 48


"The All Blacks"? I thought that segregation in sport had been stopped? No strangely enough I didn't notice that one. Were they playing Basketball? ( I know they have a lot of black players).

I hope you were impressed with my gossip this morning... smiley - smiley

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Post 49

The Magster

Hazel....are you serious????? Surely not?

Ali, why is it a problem not having a cashpoint? One cashes a cheque at the bar dear.

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Post 50


Serious about what Magster????

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Post 51


Oh - if you mean do I really think the "All Blacks" means all black players - no I'm not! I was just exaggerating my lack of knowledge about Sport. I do think a lot of sports teams have very silly names though ,smiley - smiley

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Post 52

Ali Dubya

Yes, I was, Hazel. I also heard something about some association footballer called Buckham going to Heal Madrid but you have obviously done your homework!

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Post 53

Ali Dubya

Yes, Magster, but that means I have to find room for my cheque-book in my big cricket bag.

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Post 54

Ali Dubya

Rugby union is similar to basketball but the ball is a different shape and it's played outdoors. Otherwise, they are much the same.

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Post 55

The Magster

Got a big cheque book then Ali or are you just pleased to see me?

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Post 56


Yes Ali I heard that on radio 4 so it must be true. I expect he will be taking his Magic Sponge.

When everyone gets back here do you think we should starft our BB again? Or maybe something else? We could have "I'm a Celebrity" and Ali could be a famous c****eter and Magster could be a much-younger Mother Teresa-type....

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Post 57

The Magster

BB I think Hazel. It allows a little more scope to be bone idle smiley - smiley But we could have BB with a jungle garden.

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Post 58


Actually basketball is a sport I have actually watched. I lived in America and everybody watched it, except when they were watching Baseball, which is rounders with funny clothes and spitting, or American Football which is gladiators in Shoulderpads. I hated it all, but I was sharing an apartment. The basketball players were so tall they hardly had to jump to put the ball in the basket.

You now know everything that I know about Sport smiley - smiley

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Post 59

The Magster

That's a pretty impressive array of knowledge Hazel!

See you all on the morrow smiley - smileysmiley - yawn

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Post 60


Goodnight Magster. Sweet dreams smiley - angel

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