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Neo-Is this...

Post 81

Ali Dubya


Neo-Is this...

Post 82


Sunbathing.....smiley - cool...nice
I should do that soon too

Neo-Is this...

Post 83


Ali - your intro was marvellous darling simply too divine! mwah mwah!

(if you really want to know, you click "unsubscribe" under the conversation title on your space) smiley - smiley

Neo-Is this...

Post 84


Legers - if you are in England then you had better make it soon, as I suspect these few days are going to be Summer! smiley - biggrin

Neo-Is this...

Post 85

Ali Dubya

But Hazel (dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhling), that doesn't erase your contributions to the thread, does it? Or does it?

Bad news (Hazel, especially): I have spent the last three hours WRITING about cr***et and as a result I am just a little bit insane and a little psychotic. Nothing to worry about but make sure I don't go near any boxes of matches or any garden machinery because it is quite possible I might flip.


Neo-Is this...

Post 86

Ali Dubya

Hey, look! We are almost one per cent of the way to 10,000 posts.

It's a start, innit?

Neo-Is this...

Post 87


Ali - if a tree falls in the forest and nobody's there ...

How can you spend 3 hours writing about c****et??? No wonder you're feeling smiley - headhurts Have a smiley - stiffdrink

Neo-Is this...

Post 88


I'm not quite in England. Sorrysmiley - smiley

Ali, aren't you thinking a bit far?

Neo-Is this...

Post 89


I'm going out everyone

good night allsmiley - ok

Neo-Is this...

Post 90

Ali Dubya


'Ali - if a tree falls in the forest and nobody's there ...'

Is this code for 'AWAW, you are hatstand...'?

Or is it a well-known phrase that isn't, er, well-known to me?

Neo-Is this...

Post 91


Legers - you're right. We want top-quality, non-inflammatory posts here which will stand the test of time! Not just Quantity !

Neo-Is this...

Post 92


ALi - it is one of those Buddhist sayings which is supposed to create deep thought. Like "what is the sound of 1 hand clapping?" - which Bart Simpson answered BTW. The whole thing is "If a tree falls in the forest and there's no-one to hear it, does it make a noise?"

But you are still probably hatstand! smiley - biggrin

Neo-Is this...

Post 93

Ali Dubya

Of course it will make a noise.

What tosh! smiley - biggrin

'When the sun is in the west, the cats will eat their milk, but only on a Tuesday at 7.30pm (on a clear night).'

That's my philosophical statement for the day. Ithangyoo.

Neo-Is this...

Post 94


Ali - have another smiley - stiffdrink

And because I'm feeling argumentative tonight - cat's don't eat milk. Some of them drink it, but really only kittens should have (cats) milk.

Er, have you ever thought of doing anything else than writing about c****et? I only ask because it puts you in such a bad mood smiley - smiley

Neo-Is this...

Post 95

Ali Dubya

Playing it puts me in a slightly...erm...interesting mood.

I could write about football, couldn't I?

Okay, a test: when we were yabbering yesterday (at cr***et) we decided that the answers to the following questions decided whether or not we were cool. Ready?

1) The Star Wars film: a load of old socks or awesome?

2) Which was/is the best James Bond?

3) Collars up or down?

4) If someone nicked all of your CDs but agreed to leave just one, which would it be?

Neo-Is this...

Post 96


Ali - I am bound to fail this miserably, but here goes:

- socks (pants, even)

- never watch James Bond

- collars? On shirts? Down, then

- tough one. Soundtrack to Rockers, maybe.

What about you?

Neo-Is this...

Post 97

Ali Dubya

Never seen any of the them - the best answer - though socks/pants will do. smiley - biggrin

George Lazenby, of course, because he blagged his way into the role and if you say George Lazenby people respect your opinion because people will think you know what you are talking about (and he was the grittiest of them all, apparently).

On shirts, up (for blokes, anyway);

Tough one but it might have to be Radiohead's 'The Bends'.

Neo-Is this...

Post 98

Ali Dubya

I bet Pat agrees with me on the definition of cool, 'cept his sole CD would be something by The Smiths.

I think you pass the cool test, especially as you have selected a reggae CD (I think).

Neo-Is this...

Post 99


Well, actually I have never seen any of them except bits on video! So - it's smiley - cool to have watched all the JBs?

I think this may be more of a male test than female though. And I'm sorry, but if I see collars up I tend to think "t***er". But then my taste is questionable smiley - smiley

Neo-Is this...

Post 100


Yes - Rockers is definitely reggae smiley - biggrin. Including amongst others, the excellent Peter Tosh, Burning Spear,.

Does Pat know about the new, vastly improved & remodelled "Is this..."?

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