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Is this...: The Match

Post 421


Murphy's law is my guide to life. I honeslty live by it. And yeah, those black birds can be a pain in the ass sometimes. As especially when they start pocking your eyes out.smiley - cool

Is this...: The Match

Post 422


Well you cant beat it Ledgers-I think everyone as to have a bit of the owld Murphy's law in their life.So whats been happenin' in your neck of the woods owt or nowt as we say in the sticks.I dont know Ledgers-Old chap lately everywhere i go to have a quite pint they have that line-dancin' on and theres only women doin' it.Whats happenin'? you cant just go and have a quite jar now the bars are full of women dressed like the Lone Ranger its bl..dy crazy Ledgers.smiley - cheers

Is this...: The Match

Post 423


I know I know I think someone should have found that Murphy and taught hima lesson for coming up with laws like that

Is this...: The Match

Post 424


Yeah and that guy Hobson-Now thats some choice yeh get what your given and thats it.I dont know Ledgers-old bean what is the world comimg to when a couple of guys can make laws like that!

Is this...: The Match

Post 425


I know, what do you say if us two come up with some crazy laws and than become famous?

Is this...: The Match

Post 426


Yeah we could do Ledgers-Old chap but i cant think of nothing that would do us both any good.Maybe the first one in gets the beer in and the last one out pays for the taxi.

Is this...: The Match

Post 427


Its a good one, but the last usualy just tries to push the first ones out of the bar so they won't start a fight.
What you think of ........

Is this...: The Match

Post 428


I GOT IT, "The right things come to your mind right after you done doing what ever those things were needed for"

Is this...: The Match

Post 429


No your wrong Ledgers-old chap the one out of the bar first is the guy whose turn it is to buy the last round.So for the guy who got the first round in he's been done by Murphys law again.

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