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Is this...: The Match

Post 341


Good Morning Legers-well haven't you been interested in goldfish its more interesting than train spotting or cricket.I must dash Legers old chap the bailiffs are due..smiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 342


Does anyone wash and iron their own goldfish any more?

I used to but now I get someone to do it for me

Is this...: The Match

Post 343


Well, its wasn't realy a fish but rather a chicken

Is this...: The Match

Post 344


Hey legers, how do you iron a you do it while its in flight or what.

Is this...: The Match

Post 345


Well, it usual involves one of those machines that flatten the asphalt and a backyard full of chiken

Is this...: The Match

Post 346


Wooooow Legers-You certianly have some heavy hardware in ur backyard.Please dont tell me what u use when u defeather the chicken the mind boggles.smiley - strawberries

Is this...: The Match

Post 347


Ohh, thats a much easier process. Tie it to a rope and drive realy realy fast.

Is this...: The Match

Post 348


Well Legers-Old chap i'll think i'll stick to fish & chips in future.You have a good sabbath and always remember the sun shines on the keep out of the shadows.smiley - strawberries

Is this...: The Match

Post 349


Alright, I'll follow that adivce, you can count on me

Is this...: The Match

Post 350


Well Legers-Old chap,i see that you did have a good sabbath and the sun did shine on you.I told you so! you keep taking owld dougs advice and you wont go far wrong.smiley - strawberries


Post 351


This post has been removed.

Is this...: The Match

Post 352


Doug, you are confusing me. If you think that I can speak french (and I think that is what you are speaking) you are wrong. All I know in french is "VIVA LAS VEGAS"

Is this...: The Match

Post 353


Good Morning Ledgers-Well thats as good as any specially if your a gambler.I think Elvis,liked that saying too...ooops before i go Ledgers-i've just purchased a new coffee perculator y'know it does everthing but drink it i dont know invented this so called perculator but he should have got a medal for it.Best invention ever except for the washer of course.Take care Ledgers-Old chap and always remember put your best foot forward and you wont fall over.smiley - strawberries

Is this...: The Match

Post 354


His name was probably Coffe Maker. The best inventon ever is TV. Thats a way to keep kids off the street

Is this...: The Match

Post 355


Or Perculator,the point is tho was it an American invention or what.Another thing i would like to know who was it who knew that you could put milk in your tea or coffee.Y'know Ledgers-Theres some rather fasinating questions to be answered but who can answer them thats the point.I was talking to a Japanese guy whilst having a cup of coffee may add and he was telling me he lived in Hiroshima... also he told me about the aftermath of the Atom Bomb.He was telling about this bridge in Hiroshima which as the imprints of the people who were using it at the time the atom bomb dropped burnt into it.And its still there today for people to see.

Is this...: The Match

Post 356


Yoah Ledgers-i just dropped in to see if your alright me owld mucka..see yah later.smiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 357


Thats some tricky stuff about the imprints.. Something to consider. As for milk in coffee and tea... I think it was some craze dude who drank coffee and tead with everything and later stopped at milk and cream cause it just tasted better than dirt with tea and coffee

Is this...: The Match

Post 358


Good morning Legers-Yes you could be right there..but further more to that question who the h.ll knew how to take the milk out of the cow.Y'know you read about these cavemen and theres never a cow mentioned sdo what did they use and when did the cow into being.I think its a fanscinating subject Ledgers,old Chap..and i going to make darn sure that i get the answers to these questions.Anyway i must dash off..see you later,and goodbye to the rest of you PUDDY'Ssmiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 359


Well, the cave people did have some logic reasoning I think, if they figured how you get the milk out of the woman's boob, I'm sure the cow thing came naturally

Is this...: The Match

Post 360


Good Morning Ledgers-Yeah good point but did they put that in the tea before they found out about cows milk.Hey! and did they smoke the tea before they found out about baccy y'know Ledgers,the mind boggles about the inventions thats around today.Take the hammer did the guy tie abit of rock to abit of wood whack something and say Hey!this will make a good hammer.Jeeez this is getting interesting Ledgers, old chap.

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