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Is this...: The Match

Post 281


thats unbelievable!!!
You mean you have never gave a smile to that cute guy sitting across from ya?
I always smile at pretty ladies, and they do so back. Its just that the Tube is so loud that you can't do regular flirting.

Is this...: The Match

Post 282


Legers - I think it's called British Reserve smiley - smiley. Flirting does happen on late-night buses sometimes, but that's usually because everyone is drunk!

Is this...: The Match

Post 283


Thats funnysmiley - laugh. I want to visit England. Seems like a fun place to live in.

Is this...: The Match

Post 284

Ali Dubya

And trains, too.

Is this...: The Match

Post 285


Ali - do you flirt on trains? Do share your technique smiley - smiley

Is this...: The Match

Post 286


yeah Ali. We all know hot good of a lady man you are so give us some tipssmiley - cool

Is this...: The Match

Post 287


Legers - I'm sure you mean Ladies man. Lady man sounds like lady boy - which is something quite different..... smiley - smiley

Is this...: The Match

Post 288


smiley - laugh Sorry Ali, didn't even think that it might sound offensivesmiley - laugh. But Wysi is right, Ladies Man is what I meant.

Is this...: The Match

Post 289

Ali Dubya

Legers, thanks for the lovely compliment. I have always wanted to be described as 'hot good'. I can die happy. smiley - biggrin

Oh, I'm sure you could both teach me a trick or two about flirting on trains. Someone came up to me on the train the other day and I thought I was in there, She asked me where I was going that evening and I said London.

'Day return? That'll be ten pounds forty,' she said.

Am I the new Jimmy Cricket?

(Legers, he is an appalling comedian, btw)

Is this...: The Match

Post 290

Ali Dubya

I am not a ladies' man; I am hot good, babe.

smiley - biggrin

Is this...: The Match

Post 291


Ali - so now the are th Hot Good AWAW! Sounds awesome smiley - smiley

Is this...: The Match

Post 292


smiley - laugh You know, and this is quite interesting, I also get approached by women of that kind. They first ask where is that I'm going, and after I, all excited that I'll have someone to watch TV with, tell them the destination, the ask me to pay them!!! How radiculous is that. smiley - biggrin
I understand if they took money for their time like the "street ladies" but they just take the money and leavesmiley - erm

Is this...: The Match

Post 293


it must be a cult

Is this...: The Match

Post 294

Ali Dubya

'Hot good AWAW'. Cripes, I can't go wrong with a monicker like that.

Legers, on the pullability scale I probably rate below Brad Pitt and just above Boris Yeltsin.

I can also see Hazel going weak at the knees...

Is this...: The Match

Post 295

Ali Dubya

That's terrible, Legers.

I still reckon you are a bit of a wow with the women, even though all those unscrupulous wenches nicked all your money.

Is this...: The Match

Post 296


I'm sure than more than 1/5 of the world is prettier that Boris Yeltsin. And that is only cause of his "sexy spot" on the forehead. Always wanted one like that, I'd be unstopable.

Hazel always had an eye on ya.

Is this...: The Match

Post 297


I have never tried just marching up to men & demanding money - could work maybe smiley - smiley

Ali - if Tony Soprano can become a Sex God there is hope for everyone! Anyway - who goes for Brad Pitt? He is lower than Jude Law..

Is this...: The Match

Post 298


Demending money always work, but you have to be careful so that noone will think you are a "night butterfly"

Admit it Wysi, if Brat Pitt came up to ya with an invitation, you would have accepted him.

Is this...: The Match

Post 299

Ali Dubya

Hazel is hopelessly in love with Sport, Legers. She wouldn't look at another man. Ever.

smiley - wah

Is this...: The Match

Post 300


smiley - laugh you think?

Well, its always good to have a girl that you can have some guys talk with, don't ya think so?

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