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Is this...: The Match

Post 261


Actually, Legers IS a terrible flirt. I've seen the posts!

Is this...: The Match

Post 262


Ali - Legers is probably busy Right Now flirting away. Still, I suppose it's a lot easier on the net than in a bar... and probably cheaper smiley - smiley

ps have you been playing c****et?

Is this...: The Match

Post 263


How could you!!!! I'm not that bad of a flirtsmiley - wah

As a matter of fact I was flirting with the subway, but than I switched to the gals in my Hustle class

Is this...: The Match

Post 264

Ali Dubya

Legers is a terrible flirt is he?

Why does he do so terribly when he is flirting? Where is he going wrong? Magster could probably help him. smiley - biggrin

Is this...: The Match

Post 265

Ali Dubya

Hazel, I haven't: I was watching cr***et this evening instead.

Glutton for punishment, me.

Have you been watching BB?

Is this...: The Match

Post 266


It is cheaper. I went out to the club last saturday night and spent almoust 40 bucks, and I was being cheap. smiley - biggrin

Is this...: The Match

Post 267

Ali Dubya

Hustle class?

Folks, I must leave you...

smiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 268


Ali - I have to admit that I did watch BB tonight. The guy from the African BB house moved in and told one of the girls she was "piggish" becos she enjoyed her food. She threw a wobbler. So - I'm afraid I may be watching it now.....

Legers - I'm quite sure you are excellent at flirting

Is this...: The Match

Post 269


whats srong with that. I did go there because of the instructorsmiley - biggrin

Is this...: The Match

Post 270


Really? Do people go to classes to learn Hustle? And is it he instructor you are flirting with smiley - smiley

Is this...: The Match

Post 271


well, not all people are as good as you

wysi, how could you? Of course its a lady we talking about here. Mighty gorgeous if I may.

Is this...: The Match

Post 272


Legers - I wasn't implying anything! I meant to say THE but missed off the T... not that It matters who you're flirting with... so long as they are flirting back... see you later smiley - run

Is this...: The Match

Post 273


H.ll Legers-Old chap your onr h.ll of a big spender.smiley - jester

Is this...: The Match

Post 274

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Poor you! If you want flirting you know where to find me...

smiley - love

I'm handy as an emergency flirt!

Is this...: The Match

Post 275


Well Hazel,Theres an offer you cant refusesmiley - strawberriessmiley - jester

Is this...: The Match

Post 276


Thanks VMax - I'll remember that next time I'm driving around in my stillettos etc. BTW - what's an "indicator"? smiley - smiley

Is this...: The Match

Post 277


As soon as I'll have flirting emergency I'll contact yousmiley - biggrin

Is this...: The Match

Post 278


Legers - a "flirting emergency"? Sounds serious!

Is this...: The Match

Post 279


Well... If we started talking about this
What you think is the best subway flirt?

Is this...: The Match

Post 280


Legers - in England people don't even LOOK at each other on the Tube, let alone Flirt! You will have to have the answers here smiley - smiley

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