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Is this...: The Match

Post 221

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I think you could be right Legers - smiley - smiley

I have not been about much - but I seem to notice a distince lack of our Canadian friend, BoP. Hope all is well.

Is this...: The Match

Post 222


Well...well Scarlet-and how are you doing today i hope the worlds treating you as it is me.I always find sunday a great day to lounge about and chill out a bit.smiley - strawberriessmiley - rose

Is this...: The Match

Post 223

Ali Dubya

I wonder why?

Hope all had a good weekend. Bloody great thunderstorms down here. It was brilliant - it's like living in the Far East again.

Did anyone notice that we beat Australia at rugby? How good is that?

Is this...: The Match

Post 224


Help help help!

I have been captured by Aliens!!!

They think I really know about C****ET and stuff - they want to know who is going to win all the c****et matches for the next 1000000000000 years!

What should I DO ? AWAW & Pat - please help with Sports info.

CG, Magster & LouLou - I need girly advice about Blokes etc. Do you think we have all got carried away with the Hot Summer Solstice?

Lots of love

Confused of Sth London

Is this...: The Match

Post 225


Ali - that IS spooky - your post wasn't there when I just sent that. Sorry in advance becos I am a bit p****ed.

Is this...: The Match

Post 226

Ali Dubya

Blimey, it's like London buses: no posts for hours and then two come along at once.

I can't help you with the blokes thing, Hazel, but I can assure you that Australia will win most of the cricket matches in the next 100000000 years.

I am sure your alien friends already know all there is to know about David Beckham so try and engage them in a conversation on his new hairstyle and his transfer to Bayern Madrid, or wherever he has gone.

Is this...: The Match

Post 227

Ali Dubya

Cool...are you following me again or am I following you?

Or maybe we have the telepathy of identical twins or maybe you and I can read others' minds?

Is this...: The Match

Post 228

Ali Dubya

Hold on...did the aliens get you pissed?

What does extra-terrestrial lager taste like, I wonder?

Is this...: The Match

Post 229


Ali - I feel a lot calmer now. Thank you. I have just been at a BBQ all day & somehow I got confused about things. Can we talk for a minute?

Is this...: The Match

Post 230

Ali Dubya

I find that BBQs tend to have a simialr befuddling effect upon me, too. smiley - biggrin

Fire away!

Is this...: The Match

Post 231


I have got that messy thing but don;t really know how to use it, You can easlily find me there, though,

Is this...: The Match

Post 232

Ali Dubya

God, I haven't a chance of finding you!

Seriously, though, if you want a quick natter drop me a line now at this address:

[email protected]

Is this...: The Match

Post 233


Well Wys-If aliens have got a grip of you i dont think they would be interested in Cricket.If they are it must be more boring in outer space than i thought.smiley - strawberries

Is this...: The Match

Post 234


Woooow Alistair-Someone else as that email address i see.smiley - strawberries

Is this...: The Match

Post 235

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Alicat is quite a common name isn't it?

Is this...: The Match

Post 236


I must say i agree with you there Scarlet-A very common name indeed.getting back to a nicer subject how are you this morning..i must say your looking well you have a kinda red glow radiating from you could you have been in a Ann Summers-store over the weekend.smiley - loveblush

Is this...: The Match

Post 237

Ali Dubya

Good morning, Doug.

I am obviously lucky to have such an email address. If you like it you can buy it off me. smiley - biggrin

Of course, it's a little dangerous to go posting one's email address on here because there are all sorts of strange and rather unscrupulous characters out there, aren't there? But I am sure that the regular readers of this thread have perfectly good intentions.

Is this...: The Match

Post 238


Good morning Alistair-Hey!cool down there mate i'm not taking the urine just look at my name me owld mate.Yes i agree there are lots of unscrupulous characters out there..such as these people who haven't the guts to use their right name whilst they call people.But never mind you have a good day Alistair-Take care.Thats from the bottom of owld dugs heart

Is this...: The Match

Post 239

Ali Dubya

Call people what, Doug? If you are referring to your alleged membership of the BNP then (a) I don't believe you are a member and (b) even if you were I would wholeheartedly defend your right to be. I also believe that the other accusations are false too, and that is unacceptable. I wish we could draw a line under the whole thing.

I have no quarrel with you, Doug, and I enjoyed exchanging cheery posts with you.

I know what you mean though about using false names, Doug. This sort of forum is ideal for those who like to intimidate people whilst using pseudonyms and hiding behind the anonymity the net affords. It is sad because posting on here and the MBs is a good laugh.

Is this...: The Match

Post 240

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Well said Ali.

All too easy to hide behind different cyber names. I have cut right down! - well I am usually so obvious I needed bother!

Doug, I am a bit rosey - and the heat is definitly emminating - I have had to come indoors as the sun is beating down on poor Scarlet!

Hope the Pig Farm is not hummmmming too much smiley - loveblush.

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