This is the Message Centre for wysiwyger

Is this...

Post 1

Ali Dubya

where you live?

Hello Hazel.

I am now homeless, having been ejected from the 'Is this' house.

Spare us a copper, will you?

Is this...

Post 2


Hello Ali,

I got all confused then seeing a new "Is this..." smiley - flustered.

I think it's a real shame that everything blew up. Still, maybe it will calm down again and we can carry on with our BB smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 3

Ali Dubya

I've lost track of the plot (nothing new there).

It's all a bit hectic over there. I prefer a quiet life.

Is this...

Post 4

The Magster

Does this house take any waif and stray? I'm homeless too smiley - sadface

Is this...

Post 5


Yes - it was very cunfusing. smiley - weird Goodness knows what anyone else would make of it - maybe any lurkers will start posting there now it's quiet, like on the otehr boards. smiley - smiley

It would be quite an interesting study in human nature & relationships - to look at such a long-running conversation and how it develops and evolves.

BTW I was very disappointed not to get your support on the great Turnip debate. smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 6


Hi Magster. Yes - it's official - "Is this..." is the new "Is this....." smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 7

The Magster

Bet Bushy gets a moody because it isn't his thread and Pat because it will take ages for him to get to 10,000 smiley - biggrin

Is this...

Post 8

Ali Dubya

Did you not see my U-turn later on, Hazel?

PP threatened to head-flush me if I didn't vote for him. But I had the courage of my convictions and supported you (and Pat. I have always sat on the fence).

So there. smiley - biggrin

Is this...

Post 9



Have you been looking at the Big Sister on here? It's not very lively - do you think we should go in for it? Or would that be cheating smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 10


Ooops! The "tough" was meant for Bushy & Pat!

Ali - I'm afraid "sitting on the fence" doesn't count smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 11

The Magster

I was just a spectator and I was very scared. I think you would make a very good demon headmistress hazel smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 12

Ali Dubya

Pat's bigger than me. I had to.

I'll never do it again.


Is this...

Post 13

The Magster are such a wuss sometimes smiley - whistle

Is this...

Post 14


Magster - I'll take that as a compliment. I think.

That reminds me - what did happen with you & the old dragon smiley - smiley

Ali - only time will tell! I think the hosts were amazed at how much activity there was on that thread. I have not been posting much on MC-H recently - it has also been changing - not in a bad way, just a slightly different tone.

Is this...

Post 15

The Magster

I got her by the short and curlies Hazel. It was exquisite smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 16

Ali Dubya

The blue has gone, hasn't it?

Is this...

Post 17


Excellent Magster. Have some smiley - bubbly

Well - I have mentioned Big Sis a couple of times now, so I guess no-one is interested. I'm sure you're right - it's just that it seems like a good game & the people they have in there this week are not posting. smiley - yawn

Is this...

Post 18


Ali - yes - the changes happened shortly after the new layout. And it was a lovely blue (you see - decor does have a big impact!)

Is this...

Post 19

The Magster

Sorry about the big sis thing. I did look at it but all sounds horribly complicated plus if I had a busy week i wouldn't be able to make much of a contribution. I suppose I would rather keep it casual plus I like my housemates here smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 20

Ali Dubya

Big Sis? What is that?

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