This is the Message Centre for wysiwyger

Is this...

Post 21

The Magster

It's so comfy here in Hazel's house I shall just have a little sleep smiley - yawn

Is this...

Post 22


The Big Sis is an on-line version of BB here on h2g2, Posters are not allowed to post anywhere else during the week they are in the house. I only knew about it because some-one who's in there posts on QQ & asked people to support him. If you follow the Vote for Perry link on my page you will find it .

Magster - yes I like the housemates here - it would only be fun if a few of us were in there...

Is this...

Post 23

Ali Dubya


As with most things, I'm up for it.

Night night. Cri**et beckons (not now because it's dark but tomorrow, when it's light. Cri**et isn't played in the dark though some games are played under floodlights but not, generally speaking, after midnight).

Is this...

Post 24


Ali - as ever, thanks for the useful c****et info. Enjoy your game!

p.s. I have got some hot news about Sport which you may want to use to impress people with your knowledge of insider info. Apparently some v. famous footballer called Backman or something is going to leave England!

Is this...

Post 25

The Magster

ROFL Hazel, I love the way you have when making an understatement smiley - smiley

PS Who nicked the sun?

Is this...

Post 26


Magster - the sun is shining brightly in London. Sorry if that doesn't leave any for you. I am now going to go out & enjoy it smiley - biggrin

See you later

Is this...

Post 27

Lew De Crow

Knock Knock is anyone in?
Everone has deserted bushy's Is this postings and left me on my own smiley - wah.It looks like doug deep has taken over and started WW3.

Magster Darling
I knew I shouldn't have told you I was 53 and a Spurs fan.

Is this...

Post 28


Hi Lew, welcome to the new "Is this..." - a local thread for local people!

Is this...

Post 29

Ali Dubya

Evening Mr de Crow. I am sorry to hear that you are a Spurs supporter. Life must be very difficult for you.

Evening all.

Is this...

Post 30

Ali Dubya

Hazel, are you following me again? smiley - biggrin

Is this...

Post 31


Hi Ali, how was the c****et?

BTW could some-one on YMess let CG know where we are? She doesn't seem to have found us yet - I saw she posted on the old "Is this" a while ago... sooooooo last week smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 32


Er, Ali, how can I be following you when I posted before you? Has the sun addled your brain today smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 33

Ali Dubya


I THOUGHT of typing before you did; and you obviously hooked up to my mind-waves and then decided to post yourself.

I then started before you did but I was distracted (I am not a slow typer) by something (a bit of fluff in my eye as it happens).


As for the cr***et, I am a broken man.

smiley - wah

Is this...

Post 34

Ali Dubya

The three dots are the new thing, aren't they? A fine example of rebranding success.

Is this...

Post 35


Ali - next you'll be saying I PUT the fluff in your eye smiley - smiley

Sorry to hear about the c****et. The rest of the team are obviously not up to your AW standard! Perhaps you should give them extra coaching. Or beat them up. Or something. (I'm sure I don't know why I think I can discuss this)

Yes - the new "Is this..." is very well-designed!

Is this...

Post 36

Ali Dubya

Perhaps my team-mates are just acting a post-modern manner, and they TRY to lose matches in order to make an artistic statement?

That must be it.

smiley - wah

Now of course I wouldn't accuse you of putting fluff in my eye. That would be right daft if I were to say that. You might have wished it there through psychic desire transmitters or asked a friend to put it there.

Is this...

Post 37


Ali - if I had such powers I don't think I would waste them putting fluff in people's eyes!

Have your team always been so ironic in their approach to the game?Oh well - at least you had a nice day for it, I suppose. I think the problem is that you don't alll go out drinking after the game. But that's probably just my approach smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 38

The Magster

Evening Ali and Hazel smiley - smiley Trust you both had a good day...oh no, Ali couldn't have because of the cricket.....oops and I spelt the word out in full too. Naughty me smiley - devil
Well I have had a lovely day thanks for asking and as you can probably tell from the minx like quality of above, I have had more than my fair share of the vino smiley - redwinesmiley - cheers
I have left a message for Legers so he knows where to find us. Ali, will you drop CG a line? I think I better mail Lew because he thinks I have abandoned him smiley - wah Hazel, BoP is taking a rest for a while but she will return.
Weather forecast for will be spent lying on my back sun worshipping and the bratlets can starve smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 39


Hi Magster, glad you had a lovely day. The sun is amazing for just making you feel the only possible thing to do is lie in the garden with smiley - ale.

I'm sure the bratlets won't starve in a single day - anyway they will probably just forage in the fridge. It teaches them independence and resilience smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 40

The Magster

Hazel, I shall remember this independence thing for all sorts of things from now on smiley - biggrin Damn fine idea. I may even open a bottle or six whilst lying on my back.

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