This is the Message Centre for wysiwyger

Is this...

Post 61


Hello CG. When you get here, of course.... smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 62

Lew De Crow

Good morning all
Cracking day, I’ve got no hangover and I’m one with the world. Thanks for the welcome Hazel; I hope you don’t mind me popping in every now and then. As for you Alistair, life is very difficult at the moment being a Spurs supporter, so take the opportunity to kick me whilst I’m down. You missed a cracking trip last week Magster, Two friends and I had a fantastic time in Belgium.

Is this...

Post 63

Ali Dubya

In the immortal words of Lord Bono Vox of U2.
'It's a beautiful day,

Sky falls, you feel like

It's a beautiful day

I'm not playing bloody cr***et.'

Morning all. Must dash and top up the tan.

smiley - run

Is this...

Post 64

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Ali you big sissy you - wot do you mean you don't know what is going on!

Hazel, Magster and I have been voting like mad for Peregrine.

It does seem a shame to abandon the original Is this... maybe we could sneak back in in a week or so!

Is this...

Post 65


Good Afternoon sun-worshippers,

far too lovely & hot to go anywhere further than the back garden. Only blot on the landscape is that when I went out to get the paper this morning there had been a road accident on the main road - lots of police, ambulances and fire-engines around, as well as loads of people staring (why?)

Anyway - enjoy the weather while it's here.

ps Ali - I'm sure U2 didn't sing about c****et. In fact, nobody sings about c***et. smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 66

Ali Dubya


Funnily enough, 10cc wrote a song that mentioned cr***et. 'Dreadlock Holiday' from their 1978 album 'Bloody Tourists' is a sort of cod-reggae number that features the lines:

'I don't like cr***et (my sympathies entirely, mate), oh no/I love it.

So there you have it. smiley - biggrin

Is this...

Post 67


OK Ali. So you can think of one song that has one reference to c****et. It hardly ranks it alongside the great themes of love, loss, betrayal, angst and riding in cars in terms of popularity, does it? smiley - smiley

How's your tan coming along? Nothing burned, I hope.

Is this...

Post 68

Ali Dubya

I have a cr***eter's tan, Hazel. Brown face and forearms, white legs and chest and hair that is becoming more blonde by the day. Besides, I am loath to inflict my chest and legs on bystanders; they deserve better. smiley - biggrin


Is this...

Post 69


Well I have managed a little better than that, by sunbathing in a sleeveless top and shorts. But my arms are still much browner than my legs, which always seem to take a lot longer. I don't tend to expose my chest in public either, strangely enough smiley - smiley

Is this...

Post 70


hello, is this the new is this...?

Neo-Is this...

Post 71

Ali Dubya

Hi Legers, old bean.

'Is this...' is a new form of 'Is this......'.

It has been rebranded and has been described by style gurus as '"Is this" for the new generation', 'a more sober form of "Is this"' and one cultural commentator said, 'This [new 'Is this...'] is not the 'Is this......' we have become accustomed to but a post-Thatcher, post-Beckham, post-Anton Kasprovics 'Is this...', adorned with the 2003 chic of the new fashion cavaliers that are plying their trade in the great houses of New York, Paris, London and Droitwich. 'This is...' should not be called 'Is this...' - because it is too trite, too understated - but 'Neo-Is this...' because it is a movement, an irresistible cultural tide; a revolution of awareness.'

Neo-Is this...

Post 72

Ali Dubya

Erratum: ..."'This is...' should not be called"...

This should read: ..."'Is this...' should not be called"...

Neo-Is this...

Post 73


Indeed, Ali, it should perhaps be better called "This IS..."

Hi Legers - glad you found us. smiley - smiley

Neo-Is this...

Post 74


I understand, but what about the old "is this..."?
I can see that we must evolve and grow out, but some things should be kept the same unless there is a good reason to do otherwise. I got used to the old "it this"

Should I erase it now?

Neo-Is this...

Post 75


Legers - I think we all liked the old "Is this..." but it just got impossible to post with the interruptions. We should definitely restart our BB, I think.

Neo-Is this...

Post 76

The Magster

Evening all smiley - smiley

Legers, don't erase it, we may go back there one day when it is safe to do so. So what have the young been up to this weekend then Legers?

smiley - cool

Neo-Is this...

Post 77


ohh well. As dear Freddy Mercury said: "Show Must Go On."

I agree with BB as long as my character will be free of his bean adictionsmiley - biggrin

Neo-Is this...

Post 78

The Magster

Forgot to say, heard from BoP and she is giving h2 a rest for a while but she says to say hello and something about watching out for Jude Law and Kevin Costner 'cos they're sneaky Bas****s...her words not mine smiley - smiley

Neo-Is this...

Post 79


Hi Magster - did the day go to plan (sunbathing, wine etc.) smiley - smiley

Neo-Is this...

Post 80

Ali Dubya

How does one 'erase' oneself from an H2G2 'thread'?

Actually, forget I asked that question.

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